Chapter 3 # First meetings #

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Iana's POV

When I got home, I saw Jessie asleep on the couch.

"Really?" I said dropping my bag on the floor.

"Hey Jessie." I repeatedly said her name while shaking.

'Damn it I can't watch T.V with her on the couch!' I complain in my head.

After a few minutes I finally decided to give up and head for my room.

When I got to my room I open my laptop and noticed an email from Dad.

"Let's see what he has to say." I said opening the email and began reading.

Dear Iana,

Me and your mom are sorry but we can't come home this weekend,

Something came up and we can't come home until we're done

and it usually takes weeks to finish.

We're really sorry honey we'll make it up to you when we get home soon.

-Mom and Dad


This always happens, they say the come home and they don't!

But it's a good thing I got used to it

If not then I would still be crying like a little kid.

I jump on my bed and look at my phone.

"Still 5:00 p.m might as well get some sleep." I said slowly drifting to sleep.

~~Timeskip 4 hours~~


I woke up from my nap from that loud crash.

"What the--" I began but was cut off when I heard something fall on the ground.

I got up from my bed and slowly made my way out of my room.

"Jessie?" I call out but got no response.

'Damn it Jessie you better not be pranking me.' I said inside my head hoping that Jessie was just scaring me.

When I reached the end of the stairs, the next thing I saw scarred me...

Jessie was on the floor covered in her own blood and eyes still open.

I place my hand over my mouth to keep myself from puking.

"Jessie, please stop it already, it isn't funny anymore." I begged while walking to her.


'What was that?' I ask myself as fear started to build up inside my.

I turn around and saw one of the scariest things I have ever saw.

A guy with jet black hair, a blood stained knife and white hoodie,

But the most disturbing feature on him,

was his ear to ear smile on his face.

was his ear to ear  smile on his face

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"J-Jeff...the...killer..." I said frozen

"Haha so you do know me." Jeff chuckled and slowly made his way to me.

I back away from him slowly trying to reach the door.

"Heh, your face..."

"What about it?" I ask mustering up some courage.

"It's interesting..."

"How?" I said trying to distract him while trying to reach for the door knob.

"It has beauty, Courage and fear in it." Jeff said grinning like crazy.

Wait... Did he just calm me beautiful?

With that said I couldn't help but blush a bit.

'Why am I blushing in front of Jessie's murderer?!' I shout inside my head.

When I finally felt the door knob on my hand, Jeff dashes towards me.


I open the door just in time making him dash straight outside and closing it shut.

I ran my way towards my roo---

'Wait why didn't I just run outside?! now I'm trapped!' I scold myself inside my head and locked my bedroom door.

While I was recollecting my thoughts the window was suddenly burst open and Jeff was there standing with a huge grin on his face.

"Thought you could get rid of me huh?" Jeff said and slowly made his way to me.

This is it huh?

I thought I could finally live my life to it's fullest too...

I thought I could finish high school...

Go to college.

Or ( Hopefully ) even get a boyfriend.

But no I guess it ends here...

I close my eyes and felt tears stream down on my face as I prepare for the worse...

But instead of feeling a knife pierced in me I felt something different.

Opening my eyes I saw a white hand on my cheek while wiping away my tears.

'What the hell? '

Jeff backs away from me and jumps out of my window.

I placed my hand on top of my cheek and felt some of Jeff's warmth.

Looking at the window and I began to wonder.

"Why didn't he kill me?"

Jeff's POV

"Damn it!" I curse and punched a tree.

Why the hell didn't I kill her?!

She was so close and yet why didn't I do it...

When I was about to kill her I noticed that she closed her eyes and tears streamed down her face.

It felt like my head was telling me not to kill her...

And because of my stupid head, I didn't kill her.

Instead I wiped her tears away!

Why did I do that?!

"Damn you head..." I curse and began looking for another kill to get rid of this stupid feeling and think of a plan to kill her.

Little Miss Tricks ( Jeff the killer x oc )Where stories live. Discover now