Chapter Forty Four

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"Want to come watch some iPlayer catchups?" Tim wandered past Kath in the hall as she dropped her bag aimlessly onto the pile of shoes on the mat, sporting an oversized blue dressing gown and clutching a mug like a lifeline. "Come mope with me. I've been on nights for so long I've forgotten what the sun is." He waved his free hand towards the dim shadows of night outside the front door. "First night off in bloody yonks."

Kath smiled at him and patted his arm sympathetically. "Honestly, mate? I'm knackered myself."

"Yeah, you're barely in," Tim gave her a look surprisingly piercing for someone who, by their own declaration, had been working endless night shifts. "You sure you're alright?"

Kath sighed, pushing away the traces of energy – Pes' energy, no less – lurking around Tim. She'd had the same sense around Trevor, as well, although his had been metallic and unyielding, something she couldn't analyse. It was everywhere. She'd been walking blind through her whole life. And what about me? Do I have an energy if everyone's meant to have an element? What about mien? What am I? She'd stared into the mirror once or twice and felt nothing at all. Is it because I'm a Seer? I get one or the other? No cool magic?

"Fine," she said aloud, feeling her phone buzz in her jeans' pocket. "Honestly. There's a lot going on."

"Want to talk about it?" Tim waved the mug, splashing the contents. "I can make another. It's only hot chocolate."

For a moment Kath considered it. Maybe, months ago, she would have – she always had, always had run to her friends to tell them without restraint or concern whatever tiny niggle or vexation was crossing her mind. But those had been small, easy things. Worst bit is, they're going out find out soon, if Lady's right, if the Lord is right. When it all blows up. The whole damn world! Have they any idea? The thought was boggling. She'd been so focussed on the simple task of learning, fighting, defeating the Darkness, that until James' near-miss she hadn't realised precisely what it meant that every single person would know about magic – or whatever it was. It was hard to keep thinking of it as 'magic' any more. There's probably a scientific word. Pyrothingymajiggery or something.

Tim was still studying her face.

"What if..." she began, carefully, "You had a secret, right?"

"Come and sit down," said Tim, cutting her off with a handwave. "That sounds serious. Let me make you a drink and we'll go through it." He had what Kath thought of as his nurse-face on and she smiled wanly.

"Alright," she allowed, and let him push her into the cluttered living room it felt like eternity since she'd sat in, push her onto the saggy sofa and head back to the kitchen for a second mug. In the meantime, she fished out her phone.

Of course, it was James.

Kath, can u call me when you get a mo? Or can we grab lunch on our own? Just fancied a chat about the other night, nothin scary tho, promise! Just wanted to chat it thru. Ta xx

She stared at the glowing screen, feeling her heart sink right down to her sore, boot-stubbed toes – Lady had had her roundhouse kicking strike shields, her toes constantly ramming up against the steel caps now placed in her boots.

Sure, course, she tapped out on the screen. Lunch OK? Catching up w/ Tim right now xx

The answer came back with depressing speed: Sounds good! Tomorrow @ 12? I'll come by your desk xx

Sounds good xx She semi-lied in reply, and shoved her phone back in her pocket as Tim came in. He blinked at her expression.

"What happened?!"

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