Chapter 33: Tony

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Feedback from last and this chapter? Please? :) Chapter may be short cause writers block is coming along inside of my head :( Lets hope I get rid of this block soon. It has taken me more than a week to write this chapter out and I don't like it.

{Worked on: 22nd, 23rd, 27th, 31st of July & 3rd of August; Added: July 31, 2015 and edited all of those days as I worked on the story}

Onto the story!


{Still Missy}

Waking up the next morning, I turn around in habit and rub where Zack is meant to be. Sighing to myself as I remember he is protecting my families pack lands till Sunday night, I get up and look around the room. Softly getting out of bed, I walk to his dresser and pull out one of his bag big shirts than walk over to mine and grab red light shorts to go with the comfy outfit I plan to wear. Putting my clothes on the bed corner closest to the bathroom, I go inside and close the door since I got family over and I don't need my family barging in when I am nude.

Turning the shower nob till I can feel the water is at perfect temperature, I strip off my pajamas from last night and put them in the dirty hamper. Stepping into the shower, I sigh softly as the water sprays on me. Doing my routine with washing my hair, body, and shaving I notice how my baby bump is slowly growing as I shave my legs. Shaking my head, I hurry up like I usually do and turn off the water.

Stepping out of my warm shower, I grab and wrap my fluffy usual towel around me. Being carefully with dripping water on the floor, I crack my door open to see my little Tony sitting on my bed swinging his feet. Quietly yet somehow without him sensing me, I grab the clothes I need and go back into the bathroom. Getting dressed quickly, I make sure I get Tony's attention when I walk out rubbing my hair with the towel in my hand. "Hey little man, what's up?" Asking Tony cause he looks bored as hell.

"No one will play with me sissy.. And I want to play.." Tony says softly with a frown on his cute face. Having a sad 'awe' in my head, I pick him up off of my bed and put him on my hip. Sitting down on my beds edge, I softly tickle his sides. "Well little man, lets go play." I tell Tony as I carry us downstairs and into the kitchen area. Walking into the kitchen I see that my whole family is already sitting around and eating breakfast. Smiling at them, I set Tony down on the floor softly and hug everybody softly afterwards.

Walking to the counter, I pick a small and large plate to place food on. Filling the small plate with two pancakes and two small pieces of bacon, I hand the plate carefully and a fork over to Tony and gesture towards the table to sit down and eat. Filling my plate next, I grab twice what I usually eat because I am feeding the baby as well. Sitting down in the seat between my mom and Tony, I start to dig into my food.

"How are you feeling today baby doll?" I hear my mother ask me softly. Nodding at her and replying back "I feel okay this morning, why isn't anyone playing with little T?" Blunting wondering why, I had to ask my family for the truth. Looking out of the corner of my right eye, I see Tony look down at his plate of food and is trying to hide his sad expression.

Looking up at each of my family members face, they all hesitant to answer me. Shaking my head softly in disappointment, I eat the rest of my food quietly along with everybody. Once everyone is done eating, I grab each plate and go to the sink to rinse each one of them before opening the dish washer and putting them inside. Closing the dish washer, turning around I see that my family hasn't really moved from their seats.

Sighing to myself, walking back to the table I pick up Tony and walk out towards the backyard. Putting Tony on his feet, I open the back door for us, and he runs outside to the middle of the yard. Stepping outside into the heat, I close the door behind me to keep the air inside. Jumping over the stairs, I jog over to my little Tony and swing him into my arms and the air.

Putting Tony down, I feel his tiny hands tug on my shorts. "Can you shift and play with me in wolf form? Pweaseeee!" Tony asks me and puts on the absolutely-cannot-say-no-to puppy dog eyes and face. Chuckling softly, I nod my head at him. Tony jumps up and down, clapping his hands, and waits for me to shift.

Closing my eyes, I concentrate on my wolf form. Barely thirty seconds later, I shift into my rare wolf. Shaking my fur out a little bit, Tony claps more and jumps onto me. Playfully getting down and pawing at his feet, we start to play around. Playing with Tony is amazing as always, we barely play with me in my wolf form because Scar doesn't like to shift much.

Give or take, I don't know, an hour of playing with Tony with Scar our family decides to join us. Letting their disappointment slide for now, I know it'll be the last time in my wolf form due to the baby I am carrying. As the night-time comes along with time flying by, the playing slows down, and I lay in Scar's form with Tony cuddling my fur.

Slowly letting my mom grab Tony from me, I run behind the closest tree, and shift back. Feeling all of my bones removing themselves, I am carefully and quick to get dressed for the sake of my insanity. Walking back around the tree and towards my family, I grab Tony from mom and take him to the room he is sleeping in.

Once I get inside and up the stairs, I quietly walk into his used room, and lay him down on the bed to tuck him in. Leaning down besides Tony, I quietly hum him fully to sleep and kiss his forehead when I am done. Walking out of the room, I keep the door cracked to hear everything from my room down the hall. Feeling sleepy, I open up my mind link to Zack.

"Good night babe, the baby and I miss and love you so fucking much." I send him the message as I lazily change into sweat pants and one of his baggy shirts. Crawling into bed, I cuddle his pillow to my body and inhale his scent.

"Good night gorgeous, I love and miss you both too." Barely hearing Zack's response, I fall asleep and drift into the darkness of dreams.


Sorry for the wait and it being short. Dx

~ Jada xoxox

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