Chapter 15: Not Allowed Out Of The Alpha Wing.

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Hey Loves. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Sorry this chapter is a day or two late. I kind of need to do my summer reading and I cannot always come to the library to use the computers. Yes I update on my phone, but I wanna know how much I type and make them long for you guys the best I can. I start school on the 14th and my orientation is I don't know when.

This story chapter is dedicated to my bestieee Karla @hakuna_matata_xb

On with the story :)


Missy Scarlett

I seriously cannot wait till I get my hands on whoever decided to give me my heat early. Oh damn it! I hate how I am feeling right now. In about two and half days, I will be fully mated and stronger. Why stronger? Well.. A mated couple, especially the higher ranks are stronger once they are fully complete with another. I bet it was the fucking moon goddess who likes to see me suffer sometimes. Ugh!!

How could I guess the woman who created us? Well.. Because of that. She created all wolves and she can decide when she wants more by putting us female werewolves into heat. Heat is meant to be painful little shits, but I see Zack is making mine not so painful. I reached my hand up and touched the place I have been marked twice now. I smiled like a giggly girl on a sugar high at the carnival.

I haven't been to a carnival in forever. Why? Well.. I got into a fight with some girl when I was about fourteen. So this bitch started to talk some shit, which was easy to ignore actually besides the sound of her voice was so god damn annoying, until she started saying shit about my family. Okay let me get this straight out and off my chest once again, only I can insult my family and get away with it. They are MY family, NOT yours. So.. I punched her and left her on the ground.

He-he.. My folks were not too happy with me, but after I explained things for like an hour repetitively, they got the point in their heads and I was let off easy with a warning. I still laugh at that memory to this day.


My brothers Zeke and Josh was there with me on that day, they were so proud of me for sticking to the family motto. "No matter how much pain in the asses the family is, we protected our own kin before another, and we do what we have to do."

I remember the day Zeke, Josh, and my father all taught me that and my mother was like "You men better not encourage her to go out and be a trouble marker!" I chuckled at my mom and said "mom don't you worry, I'll always be your good girl" with my fingers crossed under my upper thigh. She believed me too, which was even more funny.

Like they say "good girls are the bad girls who never get caught." I was only caught that one time, all the others only Zeke and Josh know about because Tony is too young to be there when most happened.

>End of Flashback<

I held the pillow closer to my chest as I laid down on my stomach. As I was laying down, I reached for the remote, and turned on the flat screen television. I flipped through to the movies and saw nothing good, so I went to the movie stack and chose to watch Overboard, Beauty Shop, and the Underworld series. In the middle of Beauty Shop, Zack walked into our room and jumped on top of me.

"Ouch! Fat ass alert!" I yelled softly and laughed at Zack's face when I looked up. "You are blocking the television big ass, move!" I also say this while pushing him off me and rolled right onto my side. Feeling Zack wrap his arms around me and relax against me. Smiling still and kept my eyes on the television to continue watching my movies. By the time Beauty Shop was over, Zack was asleep on me. Ugh, he is so fat.. I am kidding each time I call him that because he is no way near being fat! With all that muscle and how he keeps himself fit all the time, I am the fatter one in this relationship.

There is no doubt in my mind that when Zack leaves me in the mornings, he goes to the gym in the basement then to his office to work on duties that I will be picking up after we fully mate and I am introduced to the pack. I seriously cannot wait to be luna. I am so excited! Epp!

I continued watching my movies and fell asleep after I was done with the Underworlds. Damn, those are the only supernatural movies that are closest to what our kind is really like because Twilight and all that other stuff sure is hell not. The only supernatural television shows are close to our kind also is True Blood and Supernatural series.

When I woke up, I knew that my heat pain sure will be back later and let me tell you I am not ready for it. I really hate being in heat. Why? Hating the feeling of being needy or begging for anything to take it away. That is why. I extremely hate something else that Zack has decided without my say or consent. I cannot leave the fucking alphas' wing of the mansion because my heat is too strong, that there is locks on the outside of the door and no guards too.

I chuckled at the thought of everything. Wow... Everything has definitely changed from what I knew to what I know now. I rolled away from Zack and picked up my cell phone. I scrolled through my contacts until I got to 'Zeke :D' and clicked call. I waited for three rings and then I heard his voice. "Hello." Zeke answered with an old British accent, even though we are Irish and Italian.

"Hey Zeke, it's Missy. You know you partner in crime and only best sister ever!" I lightly smiled at my brother after I said that to him. "MISSY! Finally you called. We all miss you here. Come visit soon baby sister." Zeke yelled at first, but then calmed his voice down as he responded back to me.

"I miss you all too! I plan to visit soon big brother. I called because I need to know is mom near her phone. I texted her yesterday when I was bored and never got an answer back." I said this to him.

"Mom's phone is turned off cause she cannot find her charger baby sis. Here is mom I'll talk to you later." I heard silence for like a minute then I hear my mothers voice. "Baby girl! You called, okay what's up? How is it there? Is Zack treating your right? Do I-" Mother kept coming with questions until I cut her off by laughing.

"I needed to speak to you, everything is fine here, yes he is mom, and no you do not need to send dad here." I said to her. "What do you need to speak to me about baby girl?" Mom asked me and I could imagine her confused face on right now. Well... Here goes nothing.

"Mom... my heat came early and I'm scared to mate cause you know I'm a virgin.. Can I get some advice? I'm nervous, scared, and freaking out!" I told my mom slow enough for her to hear, yet quick enough so I do not die of embarrassment for asking and hoping Zack stays asleep long time, so he never hears our conversion.

"Oh baby girl. Okay here is what you need to do for the next two days because I know he will make it not so painful for you, may I right? I know I am darling. Make sure you relax okay? I'll text you the rest later tonight off your fathers phone okay baby girl? There is a pack meeting I have to go.. I love you." I heard my mom say this all and took it in.

"Okay mom I love you too bye." I hung up after that. Well, I am going to die waiting for the advice. I rolled back over to Zack and fell asleep for the rest of the day and night.


Edited and changed: 6-21-15 :)

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