For a Friend

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Bianca Reeds sat at her desk, typing away at her computer on a new report for the online list she had been working on for her job. Having interviewed a certain bakery and taste testing all their products, she was able to finish writing her personal favorite top ten products for people to see online. She stared at the empty desk beside her, the smile leaving her face as she saw the single picture frame she had left for her friend. Being a part of We Tell News or WTN wasn't supposed to be a deadly job. In fact, it was rather fun. Going out and interviewing people and going to places was perfect for Bianca and her love of writing things for people to see. But her friend, Damian, died just a few months previously on the job and it wasn't even meant to be a deadly job.

"What was Damian even doing anyway?" People would ask, mostly because what he was doing was top secret... except to Bianca. She knew some people couldn't keep a secret and Damian looked like he needed to spill this before it was too late. She remembered one lunch that they sat together in the nearby KFC the day he told her a bit about his job.

Turns out he went undercover as a security guard at the Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria in order to find out about the strange haunted rumors that was circling around the internet. Bianca remembered back when she was still in community college, how she would research haunted places and the children's arcade and pizzeria was named one of the places. It was reported that five children went missing there and were never found, now most likely dead. Since then, the animatronics have acted strangely and some people when they pass by the building can hear heavy footsteps by the door or would see flashing lights from windows.

"Never go there after dark, Bi. Believe me, you'll die. This story is too dangerous, but it has to be known." Damian told her that day, his eyes looking darker with the bags under his eyes. It looked like he had not slept in days but it was shortly after that when the WTN group heard about Damian's passing. They weren't even allowed to see the body and that got everyone suspicious. No one from the pizza company told anyone how he had died (not even his family) and when people tried to take up his case, their boss had said no. Since then, Damian's desk had remained empty as a reminder of what he was willing to do to get the true story.

'Still, he didn't have to die for it.' Bianca thought as she looked down at a picture of herself an Damian. They started at the same time and worked together often, which was why his death hit her the most. She wanted to take up his case and with her mostly focusing on Top Ten articles, she may be able to... though it may cost her the job she had currently. 'No, I have to do this. For the sake of Damian's family and for everyone who may have died there. I have to figure this out and let the world know the truth. Maybe it's a string a murders in the place or something worse.' Bianca thought, looking at her work hours. She didn't have to come every day, just as long as she finished her work and sent it to her editor by the end of the week she'll be fine.

She opened a new file on her computer, saving it onto her pink hard drive.

'Secrets of Freddy's Fazbears Pizzeria: In Honor of a Good Friend'

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