First Night: Chica's Visit

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Bianca sat at the edge of her seat ready to jump out to close the door incase something were to happen. The way the guy on the phone said what was going to happen didn't make her feel any better about what she was doing. 'I should've stayed in my office, I should've stayed in my office, I should've just stayed in my fricking office!' Bianca thought, panicking and quickly closing a door as a shadow seemed to come towards it. To Bianca's surprise though, her heart rate seemed to calm down the first two hours finished. Freddy kept looking at the camera, Bonnie was walking around the place while eating his cupcake very slowly, and Foxy was still in his cove, not even touching his cupcake.

"Where's Chica...." Bianca asked, looking up and nearly giving out a scream. Chica was standing outside by the window with her mechanical cupcake and the one Bianca had placed for her. "Don't kill me, don't kill me. Also, I hope you like your cupcake." Bianca was nervous, her hands were shaking and becoming very sweaty but she looked straight at Chica who seemed to stare back. After a moment of staring, Chica sat down and started eating the cupcake gift. Bianca stared in surprise as she watched the animatronic eating the cupcake and looking really happy about it. "You.... you like it?"

To Bianca's surprise, Chica nodded and polished off her cupcake with ease. Bianca wondered, if it heard her, could she speak too? Bianca moved to the glass wall of the window and quickly fogged up the glass and wrote, 'Hello, my name is Bianca. Can we be friends?' Chica stared at the words for a moment before looking down at Bianca. It took about thirty minutes for Chica to reach out and try to write but there was no fog for her to write it out. Bianca watched, noticing Chica's movements, looking almost sad. "You can nod or shake your head if you want." At least, Chica looked back and nodded franticly. "You promise not to stuff me into a suit?" She nodded again and Bianca felt a little hesitant, but then Chica's mouth opened and a glitchy voice spoke.

"You gave us cupcakes, even prayed for us.... you seem really nice, Bianca." Now it was Bianca's turn to stare. The voice that came out of Chica didn't sound like the one usually on stage. It sounded like a teenager, or at least a young one. Bianca quickly moved to open the door but as soon as she did, Chica had gone.


"Give me a minute. I don't want to scare you."

"Um... okay?" Bianca waited and from out of the darkness came a small girl, about fifteen years old but small for her age. She had golden blonde hair with purple eyes that stood out against the yellow dress and white apron she wore. But what was written on the apron made Bianca stop. It was just two words: Let's Eat. "Chica?" Bianca asked, shocked and Chica smiled.


"Y... yeah, I didn't know you guys could turn to human form."

"Oh, we're still metal, feel." She held out her arm and Bianca felt what she believed was skin. No, it was metal. A little warm from the circuits beneath but it was still hard.

"I.... I don't get it. How can you guys turn human."

"We don't know. It just happens." Chica said, sitting on Blanca's chair by the desk. "Anyway, you won't need to worry about the others. You confused them."

"Really? How?"

"Well, you're nice to us." Chica said, holding up the wrapper for the cupcake she ate. "You gave us each a cupcake and worried about us. We're not used to that. Most security guards get scared of us or scream."

"Well, I heard you stuff them into suits..."

"Oh we do, but they weren't nice to us." Bianca wasn't sure if she was getting the whole story but she wasn't going to push her luck.

"How did the other's like their cupcakes?" Bianca asked, as Chica chuckled.

"Freddy loved his, he ate his in one bite. Bonnie is still in shock but Foxy doesn't like sweets. He's more of a savory guy."

"Hm... note to self, see if he likes pizza." Bianca say and Chica continued to stare at her. "Huh? Did you say something wrong?"

"It's just... you are taking what I say to heart. Do you really want to be friends with us?" Bianca nodded, smiling. 

"Of course. I'm not running right now, am I?" Chica smiled and jumped to hug Bianca.

"Finally, a security guard who is fun!" Chica cheered, as they looked at the clock. It was four am so they had time to talk. "Hm... tell you what, I'm going to bring the guys over tomorrow. I'm sure they'd like to meet you now. I'll tell them you want to be friends."

"That would be pretty awesome." Bianca smiled, she almost forgot that these animatronics were supposed to attack her. They seemed to be a little friendly, you just had to be nice to them. The two continued to talk to each other for hours before it became six am.

"I'll bring the others tomorrow for sure. But be careful! See you later!" Chica waved and walked off, turning back to her animatronic form.

Bianca watched as her new friend walked off and she began to wonder. Chica seemed nice but.... what about the others? She happened they would be nice to her too with tomorrow's peace gift. But Damian was nice to many people. Did he just go the same route as the other security guards or did something else in this building.

"It's me..."

Bianca jumped, looking behind her and saw no one there. One thing she did notice was the cupcake she had left on the desk by the incense was gone and it felt like someone else was in the room with her. Bianca rubbed her ear where the voice seemed to come from. 'I must be really tired. Go home and sleep then write about tonight.' As Bianca turned to leave, she felt someone place their hands through Bianca's hair and whispering into her ear.

"I'm not the bad guy, my dearest. I'm just a bit surprising and you'll be seeing more of me." 

Bianca froze as the hands left her hair and she hear faint footsteps leaving. She was too petrified to move and had to be pulled out by one of the morning workers who found her standing there as if turned to stone. Watching her from the darkness, a certain golden boy chuckled thinking of how interesting this new worker was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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