Chapter 3: Settling In

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Ally's POV:

"Ally..." A soft voice sings. I stir in my sleep. "Ally, we're here." The voice says again. As I wake up more, I begin to realize the voice is Austin.

I finally allow my eyes to open. I look around. People are standing up grabbing their bags and suit cases. I sit up straighter and turn to Austin, my heart pounding in excitement. "We're here!!"

He smiles. "I know! C'mon let's get our stuff!" I don't hesitate, and immediately rise out of my seat.

Austin hands me all of my stuff, then he grabs his. We follow the long line of people off the plane. I step onto the cement ground and look around. I'm in total awe. The buildings really ARE huge. "Woah..." I whisper to myself.

I feel someone behind me lightly nudge my shoulder. I turn and look up seeing Austin smiling at me. "You ready to go?"

I smile, then turn in the direction of the airport. "Yeah, I am."


Austin held out his arm as he called for a taxi cab. I was continuing to look around at what there was to see. People were walking down the streets, all having places to be. Others were driving in cars or other cabs, trying to get passed long lines or traffic.

"The taxi is coming, Ally." Austin says. "Get ready."

I turn back to him an gather all of my stuff. Soon enough, a yellow cab slowly pulls up to the curb right in front of us. The trunk pops open. We both place as many bags as we can into the trunk, then shut it. The remainder of bags sit in the back seat with us.

The driver turned to face us. He was an older looking man, maybe late 50's. His skin darker in color, and he hand a uniform on. "Where to folks?" He asks.

I turn to Austin. He turns to me, then the driver. "Marshal Hotel, please." The driver gives us a nod, then starts up the car. I look out my window and watch all the people we pass by. I look at all of the little shops, bars and restaurants there are on this particular street. "So what do you think so far?" Austin asks.

I turn to him and smile wide. "It's beautiful! There are so many things, it's unbelievable."

He chuckles. "Yep, that's what you'll find in the big city." I smile again and look back out my window. We drive in silence for awhile till we finally reach the hotel. It was a tall building, it looked very classy. It looked like there were over a hundred l floors! That was probably not true, just looking at the size I assume there are definitely lots of rooms.

The taxi came to a stop right in front of the building. I unbuckled my seatbelt and was just about to open the door, when suddenly someone from outside opens it for me. I see a man, about early twenties I'd say, in a fancy uniform with a Marshal Hotel logo on it. "After you, miss." He says politely.

I smiled. "Thanks!"

He holds out his hand and helps me out. "Welcome to the Marshal Hotel, one of New York's finest! We have hundreds of rooms on nearly fifty different floors, a pool out in back and a breakfast buffet every morning from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. in the lobby. If you'd like I could help you carry your bags to your room." He says.

I stare at him. Now that I get a good look at him, he's pretty handsome. Just as I'm about to answer, Austin comes up from behind me. "No, thanks. I'll help her." I look up at him to find him staring at him. I can't tell if it's a glare or not, all I know is he sounds ticked off.

I turn back to the man who helped me. "Uh... I think we're alright. But thank you!"

He looks at Austin cautiously, then smiles back at me. "Alrighty then. If you need anything give me a ring!" He then hands me a small card with his name and number. Levi West. Not bad, it suits him.

"Thank you." I say again. He waves goodbye, then walks into the hotel. I then turn to Austin. He's getting our stuff out from the trunk. "How come he couldn't help?" I ask.

He just shrugs. "I'm perfectly capable of helping you with your stuff. We don't need strangers helping us. He could steal something, or damage it, anything could happen!"

I roll my eyes and grab some of my bags. "I think you're jealous." I say.

"Me? I'm not jealous! I swear!" He yells defensively.

I smile to myself. "Sure."

We both carry our luggage into a large lobby. It's fantastic! Part of the room is filled with tables and chairs, probably just somewhere to relax. There were doors near the other side of the room with I sign over it that read POOL. I'm definitely looking forward to that. Then here was the front desk where Austin leads me over to.

"Room for Austin Moon and Ally Dawson please?" He asks a lady sitting behind a computer. Not a second later, she lifts up a gold key. She smiles. "Your suite is ready for you Mr. Moon. It's on the top floor, suite number sixteen." It's no surprise that she had his key all ready for him. Having a pop star staying in your hotel is probably a big deal for them.

"Thank you." Austin says, slowly taking the key from her hand. He then turns back to me. "Okay! Let's head up!" I smile and nod.

We both enter into the elevator, which is also very fancy looking. Red carpet as flooring, lights on the walls, and mirrors as the ceiling. Pretty sweet. When we reach the top floor, we both walk down the right hallway till we reach our suite. Austin puts in the key. I've never seen a suite before, so this will also most likely impress me. As the door swings open, I know I'm correct on the impressed part.

There's a place for the kitchen to the left with a counter, a microwave, a coffee maker, even a stove! Then if you walk further there is a place with a couch and a love seat, and a giant flat screen TV. There's a deck, a bathroom, and then two queen sized beds. I stare around with a huge goofy smile on my face. I could get used to this.

Austin goes to the bed on the left and plops his stuff down. "What do you think?" He asks.

I place my stuff on my own bed. "This is literally the most amazing hotel room I've ever seen!"

He chuckles. "I knew you'd like it. It is pretty awesome." I nod in agreement. There are small dressers right next to our beds. I begin to put my clothes inside of them.

Only in a half hour we finally unpack all of our things. Austin ends up taking a small nap while I just sit out on our deck and read a book. I can only concentrate so much, because my mind is wandering off to my dreams of coming a star. Hopefully this can be the start of a whole new life.


Ello mates!! ^-^

I'm really enjoying writing this book, hope it's one you guys are liking so far!


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