Chapter 7: Important Meetings

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Ally's POV:

"Okay uh... My hair, my teeth, my clothes. Austin, do I look okay?"

He smiles. "Ally, calm down. You are worrying much more than you have to."

"Of course I'm worried! I'm about to meet with the Jimmy Starr about my music. This is a day I never thought would come! I'm panicking!" I say flinging my hands up into the air.

Austin takes my hands in his and makes me face him. "Ally, look at me." Slowly look up. "Take a deep breath." I slowly breathe in through my nose and out my mouth. "Okay, now just relax, and don't panic. You will be fine. Have faith in yourself."

I look down at our hands and give his a squeeze. "I just don't want to screw this up. This is my on shot at making it in the music business. If I fail... I don't know what I'll do."

"You won't fail, Ally." He takes his hands away and holds my face. He looks down at me with his loving smile. "Jimmy is going to love you. You are gonna rock."

His words make me smile. "Thanks."

He chuckles, then leans down to give me a soft, sweet kiss. I move in closer and just savor the nice feeling. After we let go, Austin checks his watch. "It's almost four. Should we head out now?" He asks.

I take one more deep breath, then nod. "Yeah. Let's do this." He grins as he takes me hand and leads me out the door.


I grip Austin's hand tightly as we wait in the waiting area for someone to come out and tell me Jimmy is ready for me. Everyone here looks so precessional. They look important, like they all have certain tasks to follow and certain places to be. They all have a purpose.

A few moments later, a woman in a navy blue suit comes up to me and smiles. "Are you miss Ally Dawson?" She asks.

I swallow and try hard not to act nervous. "Yeah, that's me."

"Mr. Starr will have you now." She beams. My stomach drops as my throat goes dry. This is it. My big moment.

I then feel a light tap on my arm from Austin. I turn and look up at him. He gives me a small smile. "Just go in and be yourself. You'll do great." I'm still speechless, so all I can do is nod. He pecks my lips and lets my hand go. I finally work up the strength and follow the lady down the hall.

On the white, shiny walls there are awards after awards, papers of important stuff, information, everything! Jimmy must've put a lot of time and effort into this place. Well no duh, Ally. Starr records is one of the most successful music businesses in the country. Ugh, now I'm talking to myself. Great Dawson, just great.

I am lead down yet another hallway until we come to a large door. There's a small golden plaque nailed to the door with Jimmy Star on it. This is the main office, I guess. The lady knocks twice before entering the office.

"Mr. Starr? I have Ally Dawson here for you." She says.

I look at her, then over to a huge desk. There's a figure sitting in a black office chair, it's back is facing us. But then it slowly turns in our direction. It's Jimmy. The Jimmy Starr, head of Starr Records.

"Thanks Melinda." He says to the woman. "I'll take it from here." Melinda leaves the room, leaving just Jimmy and I. He motions to a chair in front of his desk. "Please, have a seat." I ever so slowly walk up to the chair and sit down in front of him. I shift in place. "Now, just by the look on your face I can tell you're nervous."

My cheeks begin to burn. ""S-Sorry..." I whisper.

Jimmy just chuckles. "No need to be sorry, Ally. Every rookie is always a little nervous. I don't want you to be scared of me. I promise, if you get on my good side I'm a nice guy." He laughs, I just smile.

"I really find this a huge honor, though. Music has been such a true passion of mine for as long as I can remember." I say to him.

He nods. "For a lot of people thats the case. But you're the lucky girl today, Ally. I want to get to know your music type. Do you write your own music?" I nod my head. "That is a big plus. What music do you usually sing?"

I think. "I usually just do covers of songs. I mean, I have a few songs that are originals of mine, but it's mainly just covers."

Jimmy nods. "I see. Well obviously in the music business you can't redo other artist's songs, so you'll need to step out of that range and begin to focus on you're own pieces. We have professionals here who will also be helping you with recording and writing too."

I nod my head. Getting to work with real professionals. That would be awesome. "So, Mr. Starr..."

"Please Ally, call me Jimmy." He says cutting me off.

I nod. "Okay, Jimmy. Um, not to be rude or make it seem like I'm trying to rush anything here, but what exactly do you have planned for me? What is this meeting about exactly?"

Jimmy smiles. "I have been looking for a fresh face for a long time. I know you're friends with Austin Moon. He's a good kid, very talented too." I nod in agreement. "He showed you to me and I saw something in you. Potential. I saw true passion when you sung that duet with him. Austin convinced me to get to know you a but and let you try this out. I thought it'd be a plus for both of us."

I couldn't stop the big smile that was appearing on my face. I'll have to give Austin a million thank you's after we're done here. "Yeah, he told me this was his idea."

Jimmy leans his arms on the desk. "So here's what I'm thinking. I'll give you a week or so to come up with a song for me. You make it your own song, original. I'll give you my card, it has my email address on the back so you can email it to me when you're finished. Ill go over it and see if I like it. What do you say?"

I was almost in tears by now. "Yes, yes that sounds great!" I say, hopefully not looking too excited.

"Great." Jimmy says holding out his hand. I shake it happily. "Then I'll give you that due date as soon as possible."

Right on cue, Melinda walks back into the room and takes me back out to where Austin is waiting. Once he sees me, he stands up and smiles. I run up to him and jump into his arms. "How did it go?!" He asks excitedly.

I smile up at him. "I get to write a song for him. If he likes it, he'll work with me!!"

We both laugh of happiness and pull one another into a huge hug. I couldn't believe this day. All my dreams were finally coming true.


Hi!! ^-^

Not a lot of Auslly, but Ally gets to get started on her career!

Sorry I haven't updated in a long time. Summer has been crazy. Hopefully now that school is coming around I can focus on writing in class when I'm bored instead of paying attention... I mean, what?


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