Chapter 6: Friendly Surprises

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Austin's POV:

My hair is being ridiculous. I try to fluff it up as best as I possibly can, making it look the least bit presentable. Once I finally get it right, I take a look at myself in the mirror. A red, flannel, long sleeves shirt with the sleeves rolled up passed my elbows, jeans, and black converse. Something casual, but nice at the same time.

I'm taking Ally to a place called "The Moonlight Lounge." It's a pretty little restaurant with lights made to look like stars everywhere, twinkling chandeliers, it's cool. I'm hoping to get a table outside, because it's a nice evening. I have a feeling Ally will really like this place. I put a spray or two of Ally's favorite cologne on, then finally exited the bathroom

I didn't see her anywhere, so she's probably still in the other bathroom getting ready. I go through my Twitter to pass the time. A few minutes later I hear a door open. I look up, but I have to do a double take. I almost can't believe the amount of beauty before my eyes.

Out comes Ally, in a dressy looking outfit. She's wearing a navy blue skirt that ends just a Ive the kneecaps, a white top with lace going down the arms to her elbows, her hair perfectly curled, and navy blue converse. My jaw was down to the floor.

"I hope it's not too much." She says hesitantly.

I shake my head, almost forgetting to speak. "No, you look, absolutely incredible."

Ally smiles and looks down at her outfit. "Thank you."

I slowly walk up to her and hold out my arm. "May I escort you to dinner?" I ask with a smirk.

She grins down at my arm, then linked hers with mine. "You may."

We both chuckle. I let her grab her purse, and I grab my wallet. Then without another moment to waste, we both head out the door.


I take Ally's hand as we both excitedly walk up to the restaurant. "You're gonna love this place." I exclaim. She just smiles.

When we enter I turn to Ally. Her eyes nearly pop out of her head. "Oh my gosh..." She whispers. She slows down her walk to take time and admire everything. "Austin... this place..."

I smile and squeeze her hand. "Pretty great, right?"

"Great? This place is wonderful!" She says happily. I laugh at her excitement, then lead her over to the front desk. Just like I hoped, we got a table outside. I walked to where Ally was going to sit down and pulled out her chair for her. "Oh! Thank you Austin."

I smile. "You're welcome."

We each sit down and try and figure out what to order. "All of this stuff looks so good!" Ally says.

"Try the lasagna." I recommend. "I think you'll like that."

We both end up ordering the same thing. When the food comes, we both dig in. Ally melts right into her meal. "Oh my goodness... This is just... Oh my gosh..."

I laugh. "It's good isn't it?" She nods without answering. She's too busy eating. I think it's cute.

When we both finished, we're stuffed to the brim. "That was amazing." Ally sighs.

I nod. "Agreed."

There was a moment of silence between us. The Ally sits up. "Austin, I need to ask." I nod allowing her to continue. "Why did you suddenly want to take me out tonight?"

I grinned. I almost forgot. "I was actually about to get to that." I reach I to my pocket and pull out the envelope. I hand it out to Ally. "I think you should read this."

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