Chapter 13: Other side of me

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I always had a food stash every since 3rd Grade. My food stash was my closet in this small little door for jewelry. But mom never sees it. But I only eat when I'm stressed and it calms me. And after last night's brawl I just came in the house not caring if my Aunt K was there, took a shower and ate while I layed to sleep. Now my mom is getting worried of what happen cause that girl pulled a handful of hair out my head leaving a big bald spot in the back of my head. I didn't notice until mom started seeing a weird spot. And a bruise on my chest but, I told mom how I left her with a black eye and scratches on her face. Mom was pale as a sheet of paper. "Stop picking fights with people Qweneth this is your 6th brawl. You don't know if this person could have a gun or a knife.....
I blanked mom out. Yes this was my 6th one most were girls getting on my nerves bullying me and some were boys who thought they were get more than they expected.
" ELIZEBETH ", mom squealed.
I hate when she called me that, her Auburn ponytail was coming loose.
" I was listening and I'm sorry for worrying you,mom", I stared in her eyes. Mom told me to know if I'm telling the truth I got to look in her eyes. "Is it becaus of is gone" mom questioned sitting at the table and telling me to sit down too. "Dad went away to a "business trip", I said legit doing it with my hands. Dad told me and Carmen that he was going to a business trip but actually away from us. And when he said that I told him " Have fun in Hawaii with your new girlfriend ". I saw the tears in his glassy eyes. " Of course not" I folded my arms. "I'm just a aggressive person who has a limit on when she gets annoyed. Plus if you punch me I will not sit there and let you beat me I'm gonna stand up to myself", I picked at a crack in the table. " Do you have anger issues", Mom cracked. "No", I answered trufly. Which I don't like I said I get annoyed easily. " Do you still have panick attacks", she cracked again. Ok no Oj she was getting on my nerves with questions.
"Should I remind you why I have them", I stood up and walked away to my room. I go to teachers at school for my panick attacks and at home and they been happening less frequently. I snuck out if the house and got on my skateboard and went to a old park. I sat there on a bench table and thought about what I said to my mom. She deserved it she left me there without a care with that MAN!!! I rested my head on my hand and cried. Over and over and over again. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder I flinched and guess who it was.

More chapters to come :)

The odd story of me, Qweneth Thacker & Jamie WestWhere stories live. Discover now