I Care For NOTHING?!

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Ok so..

It was our dismissal time, right? And we were shooting a video for our project.

And then Dale was also there but I didn't noticed him much because

1: Our classmates will tease again :|

And 2: he might be busy so yeah, I left him alone.

All of the sudden, his classmate called me out. I was really confused about why he called me on such noticed when I'm currently busy.

I just gave in and followed him behind. Then another boy looks at me and says

Boy 1: Jules, dale is crying.

Me: What? No he is not.

Boy 2: yes he is! Look at him!

Me: Both of you are lying! *slowly looks inside the classroom and sees Dale with his hands covered in his face* wait, what! Dale?!

I walked over to him and I was panicking on what on earth he was crying! I swear, if anything bad happens to one of my closest friends, I'll show my dark side.

And trust me.

You guys won't like my dark side.

Me: Dale? Dale! Why the hell-*shakes him*

Dale: *removes hands and looks at me* W-what? Jules? What are you doing here?

Me: *stares at him* Your not crying?

Dale: Um-

Me: *blushes furiously and deathly glares at the two boys and stomps away*


Well ain't that lovely event *sarcasm*

But yeah, Dale was crying at that time but not much though, he just has an headache, that's all.

Urgh, I hate those two so much.

But I hope you all will

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