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Have you guys ever wanted what it feels to have sparks with another person?

Like, holding hands. Whenever you held to another person, its like a tingly feeling strikes up to your body.

Some people say when you felt sparks, you and that person are meant to be. And of course, you fall in love to each other.

The reason why I started off this topic

Is because that books I've been reading.

A.K.A Fan fictons  XD

A girl just hugged to a boy and she says she felt sparks and few chapters later, they are married

Of course, I think its impossible. And that's why they call fan fics.

I don't if.. The sparks thing are true or not.

Do you guys believe that?

Let me know in the comments below!

And vote and follow to!

And of course, that is all for now XD


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