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4:00 AM and im still in the studio doing nothing except for daydreaming. I let out a very long sigh while keep on turning my chair around and lastly I finally decided to sit properly i feels so tired, tired from exactly doing nothing.

I plays the song that i just created with lost over and over again the music keep beating hardly and it doesn't sounds right "its just a mess" i just can sigh i dont have any idea and i feels so clogged. I shakes my head when I realize I shouldn't be like this "focus jihoon you have to do well" i try to brainwash myself

"everyone need me ... I have to do well" when i think about my friends who are working so hard to catch the same dream makes me feels bad, so bad. But i keep on failing it's not even my first time. Im such a loser totally a loser just because of me everyone cant debut

I hold my head with both of my hands, its being a month since the announcement of the bad news "the debut had to be postponed because of me, yeah because of you jihoon because of you!" I shout loudly out of anger and throws the empty bottle of cocacola actually was placed in front of me

But then suddenly someone knocks the door "jihoon are you okay?!" I notice the voice its soonyoung i turns the volume a little bit lower to hear him, soonyoung open the door i take a deep breath and turns around and face him  "yes? im okay just a little bit maybe uhm stress?" i giggles fakely "uhm are you sure?" He asks again and i just nods "okay then but aren't you going back to the dorm now its already late?" He ask while leaning on the wall, he looks so exhausted.

He always get home this late since he's the performance team leader he has to create some brand new movements for us, looking at him who seriously looks so tired makes me realize that I should have work more harder. "its okay you can go first" i smiles and stare at him who finally stand up properly to leave "make sure to go home" he said and winks

Actually i dont really go home I usually just just sleep here since i always ended up haven't sleep for a blink at all. I nods to him and he waves to me. After he's gone from my sight i sigh and continue what i was doing and trying to focus again for everyone's sake "you should work harder jihoon" i mumbles


I woke up early like usual i pack my foods for lunch and eat the leftover for my breakfast. When i done packing i look into the refrigerator and nothing left anymore "sigh~ i have to save some money" i mumbles alone while looking inside the empty refrigerator

I just close it heartlessly and take my school bag and not to forget my part time uniform, after making sure everything is settle i finally leave for school leisurely.

At the school, like always i am that kind of student who always in a poker face who dont really show things and i dont talk much either but i kinda doing good in studying. It just can't be help because i need to graduate and enter the university for my own life's sake.

Rest time, my friend Haru who is sitting in front of me turn around and face me "Seonyul do you have part time work today?" she asks while putting her lunch box on my table to eat the lunch together, i just nods as the reply for her question and i take out my lunch box "too badd~" she whines

When i open my lunch she stares at it with amazed and grab her chopstick first without open her lunch box yet. She reach my foods and eat innocently "that's my food" I mumbles but of course she didn't listen to it or she probably just ignore it.

She finally open her lunch box and I finally can eat with peace, "too bad? Why?" I asks simply and raises my eyebrows as a sign of curiosity. She eat her food and munch it slowly while trying to talk "yesterday, i went to hongdae and i saw a new cafe want to hire a pianist and i suddently thought about you......" She swallows the foods and trying to continue more

She knows about i likes to play piano, we are close since young she's totally like a family to me. Even her parents treat me like their own daughter, they used to ask me stay with them before but of course I didn't. I don't want to burden them since i know their family is not that rich either.

I have no interest in it and just continue eating, just why searching for another one when you already has one? "and do you want to know how much they offer to pay?!" She smirks while still holding her foods with chopstick. I raises my eyebrows again and waiting for her to say it

"its worth your a month of life" she totally know how much i need money these days i suddenly shows some interest because its kinda tolerable and enough for me. She raises her eyebrows after sees my reaction "so how?!" She ask excitedly "later send me the location" I ask still continue eating my food and try to hide my interest "for sure haha" she smiles and tell me the details.

That evening after school, I lied to my boss at the convenience store where i work at. Gladly he is kind enough to let me go home early for today, i rushly go to the cafe where my friend Haru told me.

When i found the cafe i moves my step slowly to go inside. Right after i get in, i immediately can see the barista who are in the middle age maybe the owner of this place. He looks at me and greet me politely "welcome~" he said with a big smile, i return the back.

"excuse me~?" I greets back politely "yes miss what would you like to order?" He smiles while be ready to take my order "err-er I didn't come here for coffee but..." I stutters and then he raises his eyebrows confusedly "i heard that you want to hire a pianist it is still available?" I finally make it to say it.

He open his mouth happily "aaaaah! Yes yes! You come to the right place" And then he makes me follow him to where the piano is placing right in the middle of the cafe "but before that i need to listen to it" I gasp, it's too sudden I haven't prepare anything and it feels like an audition

I slowly walks to the piano with determined yet very hesitantly. I have a sit in front of the piano and take a deep breath before I start to play it. I seriously need this work for my life, I look at him and he smiles to me maybe trying to calm me down so i smile back awkwardly

I close my eyes try remember anything that I ever composed, once I remember something i start to press the piano with nervous but after some keys i finally make myself feels comfortable and enjoys it

I plays my own song its called [beautiful u] it's just a song about a smile from someone's lips that can resembles the beautiful nature, it's a very cheerful song that can cheer up my own heart and i hope for everyone too. I wrote it when i went to jejudo for school's trip last year, even though it's pricey i saved my money just because of jejudo.

I end the last note with a smile and when i open my eyes i looks around confusedly with a gasp, many people actually staring at me. With the wide eyes i freeze for awhile and they applause loudly, i was amazed while rubbing my neck shyly.

When i raises my head a little i look at that barista ahjusii he smiles and wink at me maybe that's the sign for me, maybe it's means that i already get the job? I smiles to him back and i feels kinda proud of myself. Im so happy because i somehow get the job quite easily, and it's something what i really like to do.

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lee jihoon(woozi) | 더 리듬 the rhythmWhere stories live. Discover now