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Still very confused, Wilson spent the afternoon in his bed. He had sent House back to the hotel to get some sleep, so he could have some time to think. He knew the surgery was very risky and the fact that they didn't know what the masses were didn't necessarily mean that he wasn't dying anymore. What if the surgery went wrong, what if he died on the table? If he wanted to do something for his friend, he had to do it now.
After taking a deep breath and the minute of coughing afterwards, he picked up his phone and dialled a number he hadn't used in a long time.

The evening he spent playing cards with House, trying his best to conceal his excitement, but also concern about what he did this afternoon. But House noticed. Of course he did.
'You haven't played that bad in a long time Wilson.'
House put away the cards and studied his friend with his analyzing gaze, long and carefully.
'What's going on?'
'Nothing I'm just... A bit nervous about tomorrow. That's all. It's been a lot to process today.'
'Nooo, that's not it. If it were just your fears about that surgery you wouldn't shut up about it. There is something else.'
His look got even more intense.
'Can you please stop looking at me like that? If you want a puzzle, maybe give me some ideas about what these masses could be.'
He finally leaned back again.
'I don't know. I've been thinking about it a lot this afternoon but without a team and the medical possibilities it's hard to make a diagnosis.'
'Well, whatever it is, I won't get my hopes too high.'
Wilson crawled under the blanket and closed his eyes.
'I don't even know why I said yes to the surgery. The tests were probably just wrong.'
'5 times? No. It's something else and you believe that too or you wouldn't have suddenly started to fight again. I just still have to figure out what...'
Two voices interrupted their talk. They came from the hallway.
'Mam, I'm sorry but visiting times are over. I can't let you...'
'You know what you can? Shut up, go back to your desk, and pretend I'm not here.'
With that the slightly familiar sounding voice left the confused nurse standing in the hallway and entered the room in form of a dark haired woman. She looked stressed, but still beautiful. Her eyes jumped nervously around the room, focussing on House for a second, who stared at her like she was some kind of Alien, then resting on Wilson.
'Hey, how are you? I came as fast as I could! Why didn't you call me before?'
'Well I have had better times. I just...'
He tried to take a deep breath but it ended in coughing. Cuddy handed him a glass of water.
'If I don't survive this, I want you two to be fine.'
The nurse rushed in.
'I'm really sorry but... What are you still doing here?'
She looked at House.
'Good question. I wonder that, too. Guess I have to leave now, sorry. It was nice seeing you again, Cuddy.'
With that he got up, attempting to leave the room.
'House!', Wilson tried to stop him, but he was already gone.
'Just one more minute.'
He looked at the nurse. She just nodded, sensing that something important was going on, and quickly left the room.
Cuddy leaned onto the plastic side of the bed, staring down on the blankets.
Wilson cleared his throat.
'Listen, I know he was an ass and he still is, but... He changed. In all these past months he was there for me. He didn't run away, he gave up his life, he was there. He learned a lot from his mistakes. I know what he did is unforgivable, but he payed the price. He pays it every second, because he cannot forgive himself. And I don't believe he ever wanted to hurt Rachel or you.'
Cuddy looked up and he held up his hands in defence, before she could interrupt him.
'I don't say that excuses his behaviour. I don't ask you to forgive him. I just want you to please just think about this: If there isn't anything in you left that still likes him then you can just walk out of here tomorrow and never talk to him again. But if there is any chance... Just fight with him, punch him, whatever you need to do to deal with this. I don't owe him anything and you neither but... We are his only real friends in this world and I would feel better if I knew there was someone there for him in case I have to... leave. I just... At least wanted to try.'
She looked at him for a while, still grabbing the plastic fence.
'Of course I still like him and of course I miss him but... What he did just can't be excused. What if Rachel had been at home, what if we hadn't really left the room? I have to protect my daughter and myself. He just has to learn that some mistakes can't be forgiven. Do you understand?'
Wilson smiled sadly.
'I do.'
She took a chair and sat down beside him.
'What are you doing now?'
'I moved with Rachel to a small town not far from here, where I work in a private practise with three other doctors. I can make more or less my own decisions and still have time for Rachel. I'm good, really.'
'Sounds nice.'
Wilson smiled but his eyes seemed to be staring into nowhere.
He didn't respond. The monitors started to pip alarmingly.
She jumped up and checked his pulse. Pushing the red button, she ripped the door open.
'Help! His heart rate is dropping I think he's crashing!'
A nurse pushed her out of the room, a doctor and some other nurses rushed in, checking the monitors. The doctor injected something. The pips became regular again.
'He's stable but the tumour started pressuring his heart. We have to operate NOW!'
As they pushed the bed out of the door, House tried to reach his friend, but Cuddy held him back.
Silently they watched the growd disappearing down the hall. She had never seen House looking so lost.

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