The meet up

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Alice's POV

So today is the day. I can't believe that this is happening to a simple, plain girl like me! Shane has noticed me at last yet I don't feel excited or nervous. It feels like I'm going to hang out with a friend and that today isn't a big deal.

We exchanged numbers last night as we spent a good 3 hours on twitter talking to each other. He is just so easy to talk to, no, I can't. He has a girlfriend and he is very happy with her. I don't want to be the one to break up their relationship.

I am only helping him out with a video and he is helping me out with becoming and actress. Nothing more. My train of thought is interrupted by the vibrating of my phone. It is a message from Shane!

Shane: Hey :)

Me: Hi

Shane: Are you ready to film? :D

Me: Ready as I'll ever be!

Shane: Cool, I will meet you at the park in an hour!

Me: Looking forward to it :)

One hour! I only have an hour! I rush into the bathroom and switch on the shower, I wash my hair and my body and jump out again and almost slip and break my neck. I run into my bedroom and open my wardrobe and throw on a pair of black skinny jeans, my David Bowie t-shirt and my red coverse. 

As I run downstairs, I glance at the clock. 10 MINUTES LEFT!! I took 50 minutes to get ready! Good thing I only live 10 minutes away from the park. I grab my house keys, walk out the door, lock up and head out to the park.

I reach the meeting place but there is no one there. Has Shane led me on? I am on time and everything! I can feel my heart break down in pieces inside my chest. I find a bench and sit down so heavily that I have to stand up quickly to make surethe bench didn't break! 

I sit back down, cross my legs and just wait. Maybe he is running late? I will text him to see if he is okay.

Me: Hi Shane, I'm here :)

I waited 20 minutes for a reply and nothing. I put my head in my hand and just cried. I don't know why I am being so emotional. We are just friends. We have only known each other for a week, this is crazy. I take my phone out of my pocket to see if Shane had replied to my text. Still nothing. 

But one thing I did notice from my phone is the time. I have been sat on this bench for 2 hours, crying. I stand up and walk home wipping the tears that are still escaping from my eyes. Today has been a disaster from start to finish. 

As I reach my front door, I hear panting and heavy foot steps behind me. I snap around to hoping that it is someone I know and not some creepy stalker. And It is. It's Shane!

"Hey" Shane manages to mumble between pants.

"Hi" I say bitterly "Where have you been? What happened? I was so worried!" I am close to tears.

"Well I got caught up in something else and my mum needed my help and, you were worried about me?"

Damn it, I was really hoping that he didn't hear that part. I wait for him to carry on with what he was saying but it looks like I will have to be then next one to talk.

"Yes, I was worried okay. You didn't answer your phone, you didn't show up. I thought something really bad had happened to you and I felt worried which is a little bit stupid as I have only known you for a week."

I see a little smile come across his face and I can't help but smile too. 

"Well thank you for caring about me. If it had been anyone else but Lisa they would have been like, why the fuck are you late?" he says putting on his ghetto voice.

It goes quiet again and we just stand there infront of my door. Of course Shane is the one to break the ice.

"So this is where you live then" he mumbles nervously.

" Yep, this is it. It's not a palace but it's home." I smile.

"Look, let me make it up to you, tomorrow I will spend the day with you so we can get to know more about each other and become closer friends. I feel bad for not doing the video today so we can also do that tomorrow if you like!"

I can see how bad he feels about today. Even though I am so angry at him, I couldn't say no. I agree to spend the day with him and we both smile and laugh at each other for no reason. He leans inand gives me the biggest hug ever and I hug him back. Our hug finishes and Shane leaves to go home. I walk through my plain red door, pick up the post and lock the door. I stand there with my back up against the rectangle piece of wood and smile. Maybe this day isn't so bad after all.

So there we go. I know it has been a long time since I updated last but I think this part is better than the other two. I am also going to only use Alice's point of view as it easier. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy it :)

Holly x

Shane Dawson and Me!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt