Lets hang out!

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Alice's P.O.V

So here goes attempt 2 at meeting up with Shane. He is coming to pick me up a 9:30 which gives me an hour to get ready. I decide to take my time today so I casually walk to the bathroom and take a normal length shower. I even take time to dry and curl my hair! I also decide that I should dress a little nicer today as well as I don't think I made such an effort yesterday.

All ready and waiting in my front room for the door bell. DING DING. He's here. I didn't think that today was actually happening but it is, oh my gosh. Okay keep calm can don't loose your cool. You can do this Alice!

I get up of the sofa and make my way to the door. I grab my keys and my bag and open the door but at the same time, hoping that it isn't the post man or something like that. As I open the door I see that Shane really is stood at my door. I can't help but let a small smile creep its way onto my face. Shane then smiles too and lets out a little laugh as he does. God, it is so cute when he does that. No, he has a girlfriend, we are just friends. 

"Hey" He says quite joyfully.

"Hi" I smile back.

"Are you ready to have the most fun you have ever had?"

"You bet"

I walk out the door and lock it behind me. We get into his car which is parked on my drive way. As soon as we get on the road, he turns up the radio which is playing 'Die Young' by Kesha and gets out his phone and starts recording. As he does so, he starts to sing very loudly to he song and he isn't that bad!

"Hows it going guys, yes I am in the car once again but this time I have some one in the car with me!" 

He leans over to me and says "You don't mind me recording you do you?" quiet enough so the phone won't pick it up.

" No, its fine" I quietly say back. He smiles at me and returns to his original position.

"Okay, so tell me who you are, how you know me and what did you think of my singing?"

Shane turns the camera towards me and all of a sudden I freeze. I have no idea what to say. I sort of entered a trance which I soon snapped out of and answered the question. 

"Oh, my name is Alice Johnson, I know because you found me on Youtube and I thought your singing was amazing" I say with a little smile at the end. Shane smiles and carries on with his vlog while we are driving to where ever he is taking me which I don't think is very safe! The vlogging and driving bit. 

We soon arrive to house in a very nice area which is when Shane puts his phone away. He takes the keys out and turns to look at me. "We're here". We both get out of the car and walk up to the front door. I knew exactly where we were. I have seen most of Shane's videos and I find him hilarious.We walk up to his mum's house and walk in. As we did, three dogs run up to us and lick us to death. 

"I assume you know who these are?" He questions me though I'm pretty sure he knows the answer.

"Yes I know who these are. Hello Miley, Charlie and Chocolate," I love animals to pieces. I would have a pet at home but my tenant won't allow pets. I look at Shane out of the corner of my eye and I can see him smiling at me. I look over and smile at him back. I can feel our heads getting closer together. Our foreheads are almost touching, my heart is racing. I know this is wrong but it just feels so right. We are almost kissing but that's when we hear Shane's mum walk into the hall way and we both look in two opposite directions and pretend nothing ever happened. 

"Hi honey, I wasn't expecting you today. And who is your friend?" She said, she is so happy and merry.

"Hi mum, this is Alice Johnson. I met her through YouTube and we are here to shoot a video for this Saturday." I can hear a slight wobble in voice. I guess we are both hoping that she didn't see us getting too close. I don't see why I am worrying. We didn't do anything, friends can get close right?

"Why hello Alice, you can all me Theresa," She is so lovely.

"hello Theresa, it's nice to meet you" I greet. Theresa smiles at me then Shane and she goes back into the kitchen with the dogs following closely behind. I can't help to chuckle a little which sets Shane off as well. He gives me a look as if to say 'shall we go?' and I just nod and follow him up the stairs into a very brightly coloured room. There is a pink one, a blue one, an orange one and just a plain one that the window is on. I can't help but feel at home here which brings another smile to my face. 

"So what do you think?" Shane says sounding really proud of himself. His eyes start to sparkle. He has such amazing eyes. No Alice stop. He has a girlfriend. Just keep saying that to yourself. Any way, I snap out of my trance once again and reply to his question. 

"It is very bright but it does feel pretty cool to be where all the magic happens!" I reply.

He just laughs and sets up his camera. I sit down on a chair in front of where Shane is setting up so he can get hi camera in line. I some how re-enter my trance and just look. I bet I look really freaky from where Shane is standing but I can't help it. He is just perfect. His eyes, his smile, his humor and well, everything else. Why is he not single. But this is crazy, I haven't even known him that long. Can this really be happening. Can I be falling for Shane Dawson?

We finish the video and we both head over the his computer and edit it. Shane uploads our creation to Youtube after 30 minutes of editing. We sit in front of the computer in silence, just looking at the screen, not saying a word. Finally, Shane breaks the silence and I couldn't be happier.

"Do you want to come out to dinner with me and some other friends tonight?"

"Shane I would love to!" i say through he huge smile that has attacked my face.

"Great, shall we go now then?" 


We get up and walk downstairs to find his mum fast asleep on the sofa with the dogs curled up around her. I check my phone to see what the time is and I find that is 8:00 in the evening. We have been filming all day and it has been the best day of my life! Shane looks at me and I look back at him. Our eyes lock onto each other like the were two missiles heading towards each other. I can feel our faces getting closer together. The same thing that happened this morning is happening again! I get so lost in his eyes that I don't realise that we are kissing. Shane moves his hands around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I put my arms around his neck and let him take take over. I know it is wrong but I just can't stop. I think about what would happen if Lisa found out and how upset they would both be. I force myself to pull away and I once again look into his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asks

"You have a girlfriend Shane, what if she finds out about what we just did. She will be heart broken." 

"I know I know but from the first moment I saw you and every day since I have been in love with you!"

So there we go. Part 4. Thank you to all of the people that have been reading my story and I hope you have been enjoying it. See you guys later :) x

Holly x

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