Chapter Five Secretes Revealed

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I'm running.

Breathlessly running down the hallways of Hogwarts, trying to outrun her.

Everyone thinks I'm going crazy, that I'm losing my mind, and that no one is after me. I'm only in my second year and suddenly I'm the newest freak show?

Dumbledore was of no help, he just told me that I was safe and that if she got through he would be the first to know. He hugged me tightly and sent me back to my private quarters with the promise of seeing me in the morning.

Something told me he wouldn't keep it.

I found myself suddenly in the forest surrounding Hogwarts. I was deep inside of it...was I really running that fast?

A cackling laughter made my blood run cold.

It was her.

Bellatrix Lestrange.

"Hello little Charlotte Potter!" She spit out that name like it was poison.

"Bellatrix." my horrified, breathless voice was a mere whisper.

"You know, I never did like a Gryffindor." she tapped her wand against the side of her cheek with a crazed look in her eyes.

"I've never liked a Slytherin." I shot back cursing myself internally for not grabbing my wand before I ran from my room because of my panic attack.

"My my, you show up to a wizarding duel like this? In your night robes none the less! Dumbledore will be upset when he finds your dead body dressed unprofessionally." she smiled and I instantly took a step back in response.

"I thought after our last fight you would have had your fill of me Lestrange." I spoke darkly and suddenly my still fresh wounds burned.

"I told you I was not convinced of your innocence!" she snapped "And I thought we were having such fun." she poked out her lip at me.

"Well, if your going to kill me get on with it. Then feel free to make your leave before Dumbledore gets ahold of you." I opened my arms in taunting.

"Ugh, such a lack of self-preservation" she rolled her eyes "I never have liked a Gryffindor." she repeated and got into a stance.

"I've never liked a Slytherin." I concluded.

Great choice of last words Char.

She started muttering enchantments, many I was aware would cause me great pain, and as the light coming from her wand grew brighter and brighter I felt my magic crack and run along my body. My veins boiled from my heated blood, my skin crawled as visible sparks danced along it, my joints popped from the overwhelming pressure, and my scalp bussed from the static electricity between us.

And then suddenly I was screaming.

"Charlotte, calm down you're okay! You're awake! You're awake!" Bella was screaming as I kept thrashing. I could barely hear her cry for Charlie as suddenly my scars started to burn like they were set of fire. More tears streamed down my face as I clutched my chest were the worst of my reminders from Bellatrix were.

My blood was boiling more intensely now, still left from my nightmare, and I couldn't help but start screaming the pain was so intense.

Bella and dad kept trying to calm me or speak to me one but I couldn't hear them, I couldn't force myself to speak the pain was too much. My magic was starting to overwhelm me as well and I feared if I let it get the best of me Bella and Charlie would suffer along with me.

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