Malaysia POV

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I walked out of the classroom and started to wonder the halls.

I was so fucking pissed off man, everybody was irritating me today.

I had to leave that class before I took out my anger and fucked somebody up.

I was so tempted.

That boy that caine was about to shoot in the head kept staring at me in class.

It looked like he was trying to figure something out in his head, I don't know what though.

Then out of nowhere, I saw him jogging towards me.

"Aye..." he said to me.

I looked at him confused.

"I was meaning to ask you thi-"

"Exuse me! If you two dont get back to class, detention will be in your future!" she said to me and... shit.

I don't even know his name.

He turned around and then looked at me for a split second, as he jogged back to Mrs. Browns classroom.

She stared at me expecting me to walk back in there with her dusty ass.


"I don't know what the fuck you looking at, carry on with your day." I said as I walked away towards the exits.




I layed on my coach watching Basketball wives, and smoking a blunt.

I know I may not seem like the person to

I get high because the lows can get so cold.

Its not like its a bad habit, Its just that life is so hard and without Mary Jane to calm me...I probobly would've blown my brains out a long time ago.

I hate being alone sometimes. I used to be so happy.

My mother once cared about us, but after it happend, I think she just gave up on our family.

My father did though, he always made sure i was straight.

I smiled thinking of memories of me and my dad.

He died three years and as strong as i am, it still breaks me everytime i think about it.

I'm still not over it.

I mean when you have only one person who sincerely cares about about you in this world, you never imagine them being tooken away from you.

It's too much of a devastating thought... and you think to yourself... no.

God wouldn't do that to me.

But it happened.

Im alone in this world and no one really understands, sometimes I want to escape it all.

My mind raced back to five years ago, but i tried to push the thought from my head.

But for some reason I couldn't..

"Laysia, walk your little sister to the store", my father said as he put the chicken into the oven.

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