Chapter 9

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guys please read the A/N at the end of the chapter there's something important I want to ask all of you.


I woke up earlier than usual and decided to start my day with positivity and got ready for school. I went downstairs and made bacon and eggs when Harry came downstairs in his pyjamas.

"Hey can I look off your test paper in Chemistry today? I forgot to study."

"Good morning to you too." I replied sarcastically.

"I'm serious." he frowned at me while stealing a slice of bacon off my plate. I can't wait to go to college and leave him.

"What if I get the answers wrong? I didn't study either." I lied. Of course I studied. I have been since Mrs. Sutra announced the test last week.

"Of course you studied, I heard you last night and the night before." he pointed out while stealing another slice of bacon off my plate.

"Hey!" I snatched the bacon away from him. "Make your own breakfast!" He backs away while mimicking me and I grab a oven mitten and throw it at his face. I missed his face but it hits his shoulder and he grabs the mitten that's now on the floor and throws it at me. The mitten hits me in the face and I stepped back to launch a better throw to his face when I hit my injured shoulder on the cupboard and yelped in pain. Harry took that chance to flee to his room with my breakfast.

I sighed at shook my head at his back running up the stairs. I guess I'm eating yoghurt for breakfast.
"Harry hurry up or we'll be late for school again!" I yell at him though I doubt it changes anything. He's always late.

"Harry!" I yell again slouching on the couch. A couple minutes later I hear his heavy footsteps thudding against the stairs.

"Finally..." I sighed but he ignored my comment and headed out the door. I got up quickly and follow him into the car.

"Actually can you move to the backseat for today?" Harry asks me while fixing his hair in the mirror.

"Why?" I raised an eyebrow questioningly at him.

"We're picking Louis up on the way." he sighs at me and motions his hand for me to get out. I huffed at him slams his door which he hates and got in the back seat.

"If there's a scratch you're paying for new paint." he mutters annoyed with my behaviour.

I took out my study notes as soon as he started driving so the drive didn't feel that long. The car stops in front of the Tomlinson's home and a very tired looking Louis was standing in front of it. He opened the door and practically leaped into the seat slamming the door afterwards. Harry once again cringes from the sound of the door slamming.

"Hey can I look off your test paper today in Chemistry? I didn't study." 

"I'm looking off Marie's you can too if you want." Harry says while directing his hand to me.

"wh-" I started but was cut off by Louis.

"I can't see her paper from my seat."

"no one's-" I started again only to be cut off by Harry.

"fine you can copy my paper but don't make it obvious." Harry states as we pull up in the school's parking lot. I roll my eyes while stepping out Harry's car.

Before I could shut the car door, a motorcycle pulls up into the parking space next to us and the biker revs his engine and finally shutting it off. People were gathering closely to our parking blocks watching him. His long legs easily steps off the bike and he takes off his helmet and fixes his blonde quiff. I feel Harry and Louis on either side of me.

"Hemmings." Harry's voice was filled with disgust.

"Good morning to you too, Styles." Luke smirks at Harry.

"It was a good morning but since you're here..." Louis trails off rolling his eyes.

Luke glares at Louis for his remark. Then his eyes travel down to me and I stiffen as he opens his mouth to say something. Harry still doesn't know that I'm Luke's tutor and I hope he never has to.

Luke was interrupted when Madison's car parked next to his and got out. Harry locks his car and follows Louis into the building. I took that as my cue to leave.
The clock ticks off every second as I scribbled off my last sentence. I sighed as I flipped my test and slouched against my chair. That wasn't that bad. The questions were tricky but I figured out what they meant. Soon enough the bell rang signalling the end of class. I gather all my stuff and started to walk out the door when Mrs. Sutra made an announcement.

"I need Luca-Luke Hemmings, and...Marie Styles?" Mrs. Sutra looks up from the note to look at me.

"-to head to the principle's office. Everyone else is dismissed." I could feel eyes on me and turned to Harry only to see a confused look on his face as he walks out the door.

"Do you know the way or do you want me to show you?" I turn to see Luke standing right behind me. Of course he would know the way, I wonder how many times he has gotten called there.

"I know the way." I say and he didn't wait for me and walked out of class. I'm guessing Principle Jones wants to talk about Luke's progress. At least that's what I hope he wants to talk about.

A/N: guys I need help. I don't know who should be casted as Marie in this story. Originally my choice was for her to be Gabriella Wilde. I was actually writing another story when my best friend and I went to watch Endless Love(when it came out). I usually get burst of ideas randomly so I always write it down. Anyway I had this story in my draft and it was suppose to be a Zayn Malik fanfic. Then the idea wasn't strong enough so it died but I already had this incredible character named Rose and she's basically like a real person to me so I didn't want to delete the story. I turned it into a l.h. Fanfic when I was starting to get into 5SOS. Even when I was writing the z.m. fanfic I was set for Marie/Rose to be played by Gabriella Wilde. But then I started reading other Luke Hemmings/5SOS fanfics and she starred as the main character in almost all of them. If you know me, I never want to be basic. I want to be baesic. *que Ashton Irwin on the drums* ba dum tss.

So I tried finding other actresses/famous person, and tried to replace Gab. It's really hard since when I started writing Marie's POV, I've always imagined her as Gabriella. But I was able to come up with some people. Britt Robertson, Shailene Woodley, Ashley Benson, and Sasha Pieterse.

If you could give me suggestions on who else that fit the role, or if I should just stay with Gabriella as Marie, please tell me in the comments. Or if you had imagined Marie to be someone else this whole time, please tell me because someone wants to make me a bombass cover but she needs this info soon. I love all of you thanks. Xx

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