Chapter 10

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I wasn't surprised when I was called to the principle's office. Maybe someone caught me smoking behind the building again. But when they called Styles' sister, I was kind of weirded out. I didn't think she knew the way to the principles office. But of course that smart bitch had to prove herself and she had a map of the school that she followed. Now we're both sitting in the office's waiting room. She's sitting on the very edge of the sofa careful not to make contact with me. She acts like I have a fucking disease and stays away from me at all costs. Except when she's tutoring, but to be honest I wouldn't know because I only act like I'm listening so I can go home.

"Mr. Hemmings and Ms. Styles." the principle calls us into his room. Why does he need to be formal and  shit. I walk in the room before her so I can sit in the comfy chair.

In the principle's office there are two chairs, and one of the chairs is comfortable and the other one squeaks and it feels like you're sitting on cardboard. It's weird because they're the same type of chair and they look the same. 

I walk in and immediately sit myself down in the left chair. Marie walks in and sits in the other chair. She sits down and I can immediately see the uncomfortable look on her face. I hold back a laugh but fail and she looks at me confused.


"Nothing." I calmed myself and look to the other side.

"Okay, both of you are probably wondering why you're here." The principle sits down holding a stack of files. Out of the corner of my eye I see a folder titled L. Hemmings. Oh shit.


"Okay both of you are probably wondering why you're here." Mr. Jones says sitting down in his chair  with a stack of files. I see L. Hemmings stamped on the cover of one. That must be his report, a collection of his student data that's been recorded throughout the four years of high school. I guess we're about to discuss his grades and that's why I'm here. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably and sees Luke looking at me again. Why did he look so comfortable? These chairs must be really worn out that they feel so stiff. Maybe the student council can do something about it. I make a mental note to address this in tomorrow's meeting.

Mr. Jones separated Luke's file from the rest and takes out a folded piece of paper. His report card, and hands it to me. I unfold it and scan through it. I cringe, it's really bad, I don't know how he could live with this. I remembered that time in 6th grade when I got a C on a test and cried for 3 days. Harry made fun of me.

"Do you think he can improve his grades?" asks Mr. Jones. I look up to him and to Luke who was texting under the table. I don't know.

"Yes. He just needs to pay more attention and try in school, I believe everyone do something of they try their hardest." I said and tried to smile but the end of my mouth twitches. Luke wasn't even paying attention now I don't know if I can do this. Why did I agree to this in the first place.

Because you thought Lucas was some confused Freshman with bad grades not a douche.

"Alright I will have all his teachers email me his progress in class and I want you to be able to tutor him after school.

After school?!

"What?" I stood up in shock and it caught Luke's attention as he raised an eyebrow at me. Mr. Jones didn't expect my outburst and seemed surprised. I took a seat, embarrassed and tried to reason my composure.

"I mean I can't everyday because I have club meets and organisations to attend."

"You won't have to everyday, just until his grade improve."

You mean until the end of my senior year when I go to college and finally escape this tutoring nightmare.

"Can I leave because I have homework." Luke speaks up. At least he's doing his homework.


Madison: I can't believe you're stuck in an office with her and the principle. Try to get out. Say you have to do your homework.

Luke: nobody's gonna fucking believe that.

Madison: I'm bored and my parents aren't home.

Luke: fine.

"Can I leave because I have homework." I blurted out. The principle didn't look like he believed me but Styles' sister does.

"Are you sure you'll be doing homework?" The principle question me.

"Maybe this is his first step to becoming a better student, and I actually have a student council meeting in an hour." the girl speaks up. The principle looked at her trying to decide if she was being serious and finally sighs in my direction.

"I expect his grades to improve within the first month." The principle addressed it to Styles' sister so I wasn't under pressure to lie again.

"I believe that it's do able." She says confidently. She has too much faith in me, I didn't even know do able was a word until she said it.

"Alright then," the principle stood up and started saying some stuff but I left the room. I hope I don't get a detention for that.

A/N: So I'm trying to upload a gif from my camera roll onto here but it's not working, if you know how to do it comment or tell me in my messages or write it on my wall. thanks and don't forget to vote for this chapter that I had a hard time writing because I was laughing too much. I don't even know why.

Song: I was listening to Doubt by Twenty One Pilots and if you don't know who they are go google them and listen to their songs because they're perf.

Q: bands or solo artists?

A: lol bands


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