Holy smokes

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I'm the first to break away from the kiss I shove him away from him and bring my hand to my mouth, he stands there and gazes at me.

"Jace.. What the fuck was that?" I ask angrily.

"I- I... I'm sorry, but seeing you with Hunter is killing me,  I saw you two the yesterday, you seem to have a lot of fun with him and its not fair, I loved you  first." He says running his fingers through his hair.

"W-what.." I'm shocked.

"Storm.. seeing you with someone else hurts.. that's why I invited Madison, I was just trying to make you feel what I felt, because Storm you're the most beautiful and funny and amazing girl I've ever met." He says.

"You barely know me.." I say with a perplexed look.

"So let me get to know you.." He says and backs me up again until my back hits the wall and he kisses me. 

"Ja-" Madison says as she walks into the bathroom. "WHAT THE FUCK !?" She yells. Jace blocks her from me and I can't help but feel protected. "YOU FUCKING WHORE !" She screams and tries to move Jace so she can get to me. But she doesn't have to because I move myself because no one gets away with calling me a whore.

"Says the bitch that fucked all my step brothers." I say and Jace looks shocked as if he didn't know. Oops.

"Wait what ? You fucked who?" He asks outraged.

"No one she's fucking lying." Says the bitch that's actually lying.

"Axel and Ajax are only fuck 15 ! You sick fuck. " He yells at her. "They're even younger than Storm!" Oh ... Well then. Well I mean I am gonna be 16 soon so I mean gosh.

"You're 17 ! Kissing a fucking 15 year old !" Madison spits back.

"Not like I was fucking her !" He yells back.  Um okay time to break this up.

"Girls girls, you're both very pretty now, Madison you're clearly not fucking wanted here so bye bye, and Jace can we please go back to the movies before more people come looking for us." I say and open the door. We walk back and take our seats and Hunter grabs my hand and gives me a look that's asking me if I'm okay and I simply nod. The movie ends and we all head out of the theatre.

"Hey what happened to Madison?" Axel asks.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Jace sneers.

"Jace ! Stop, drop it." I say in a stern tone.

"She left." He simply states and walks away.

I go back into the car with Taylor, Skye  and Matty. And we all joke around on the drive back to my house and it really makes me forget about what happened.  We all arrive at my house and before we can all head inside Matty kisses Taylor.. In front of everyone.. including Casper. Casper's fist connects to Matty's jaw.

"CASPER WHAT THE FUCK !" Taylor yells and goes to help Matty up. Casper looks as shocked as the rest of us do. Then he does something that surprises all of us. He kisses me. Taylor looks at me and eyes become glossy and before I can say anything Casper is pushed down by Axel and Hunter is punching Casper. "Storm.. you had something with Casper and you didn't tell ?"

"What!? No ! I have no idea where that came from." I yelled at Taylor while trying to get Hunter off of Casper. "Stop fighting I'm your fucking step-sister ! I don't like any of you more or less than a fucking brother." I yell and they all immediately stop and look at me with hurt expressions and I try not to look hurt as well so I walk into the house and lock myself in my room and burry my head into my pillow and just scream. I really do like them.. I just can't stand seeing them fight, I'm ruining this family.


haiiii hai hai I reached 800 reads recently and its like WOWOWWOOWW. THATS CRAZZZZYYY .

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