First day of school >.< part 1.

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"GET YOUR ASS UP YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE TO SCHOOL!" Hunter screams in my ear. Lord of Mother Jesus are you kidding me right now. I stir and try to focus my vision on the sex god that stood before me.

"Weeelll hello there Hunt, mind not being an asshole and letting me get some sleep? Okay thanks." I said sarcastically and fell back into my pillow. That was until I felt my feet being pulled not by one but by multiple people. FML. I fell with a hard thud on the floor. My head was surely gonna have a bruise. I looked up at the people surrounding me. The whole tool shed was here before me. I suddently felt shy seeing as I was only in a shirt and panties. Oh dear what have I done. I blush like a bright tomato and cover myself up with the blanket as quick as I can. When I turn back around they're all just standing there with widen eyes.

"Guys, a little privacy plesae, school is about to start sooo," I murmur out.

*My friend is like laughing rn and she wont shut up, so back to the story*

"Fuck school, I'm more interested in what we have here" Jace whispered and all the other guys nodded. Holy fuck, what have I done? No! What did Hunter do !

"Guys just calm down..." I said with worry in my voice. But I already saw the bulge in their pants. They were all looking at me like I was prey.(oh my god I make them sound so rapey) "School is way important than I am come on guys" I got up from the bed not caring about the blanket being around my body. They all backed up a step except Ajax who basically ran out of the room to deal with his "little friend" I suppose, but trust me it was not little at all. I blush at my own dirty thoughts. I push all the boys out of my room and they never take their eyes off of me until my door is slammed on their face.

I rush to push on random clothes that consist of ripped skinny jeans and brown combat boots and an over sized tye-die sweater. I leave my hair down with a braid going around my head. I leave the room to go brush my teeth. The boys are all gone from the hall, in their rooms I suppose actually getting ready for once. I shrug my sholders and walk into the bathroom, and there standing before me is Casper, oops. I stare at him with his towel pressed tightly around his waist, I blushed and looked up at him before I got lost in his chest. He smirks down at me and I slowly back away from him, he stops me and puts one of his hands next to my head and I'm against the wall. When I heard the towel dropped I ran out the door and let out of a breathe I ran downstairs to use the other bathroom instead. I let out of a sigh and brushed my teeth and before anyone could bother me again I grabbed my vans bag and ran out of the door.

I walked down the street, my mom already told me where it was gonna be and it was in walking distance of the home so I decided why not? I walked up onto the school grounds and since I was there extra early I decided to sit and listen to some music until a girl came up to me with a smile on her face.

"Hey I'm Taylor, you must be new." She said with a smile, she was wearing black jeans and a 1975 band tee. I immedietely liked her and smiled up to her. She was pretty, dark tan skin with black short hair and a fair but short height.

"Hey I'm Storm. Yeah I'm new, came from Boston." I said as friendly as I could since first impressions weren't my thing.

"Well, welcome Wellington High, Storm." She said with a smile.

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