Chapter two

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I woke up feeling groggy... The only explainations are
A)I am high
B)I am drunk
C)I am high...That seems like the most realistic one if I am honest, but I didn't go to a concert last night so I know it's not that?
I opened my eyes slowly and looked around a room that was familliar somehow but new too me at the same time.
I tried to sit up to see where I was but I felt an arm around my waist which practically caused me to shit cement and piss bricks, lucky for me, it's impossible.
I sat up expecting to see Benny and be dissappointed in myself but was absolutely horrified when I saw Malik!
I let out an accidental loud scream and Malik shot up, putting himself infront of me protectively covering me from any form of danger, his eyes scanned the room untill he confirmed there wasn't any.
He turned around and looked at me intently, more specifically, my lip ring and nose piercing...and tattoo of Charlie's name and his date of birth that is on my currently bare stomach.
I was about to ask him what was up-Wait? BARE STOMACH!
I looked back down and blushed, attempting to cover myself up.
"Don't hide from me."Malik growled and I scowled at him.
"Why the fuck am I shirtless?"I hissed and he blushed.
"Well, you woke up last night saying you were way too hot and I agreed, I thought you meant body wise but you meant you were warm as in heat and stripped..."He blushed brightly making me giggle, my eyes closed tightly from embarasment.
Fuck man, I am 21! I shouldn't be acting this way!
Not like a school girl!
I am just a 21 year old hanging out with my 23 year old friend....
I want Vic Fuentes!
If I had him, this may not be so complicated.
"You've changed Chloe."Malik smiled and I nodded.
"You were gone five years Malik, that's a long time to be strengthening a pack."I said emotionlessly, not wanting to cry and Malik just sighed.
That really pissed me off!
"Baby, I wanted you back the minute I left but you know my old man, it has to be perfect."Malik told me.
"Your dad hates me so how the fuck am I here?"I said un-impressed.
"I killed him...He refused to let me have you back after he swore once the work was done I could have you back, he was crazy and someone had to do it."Malik told me and I knew my jaw was hanging open.
"Holy...shit."I muttered, shaking my head, trying to get rid of the thought that my mate killed his own flesh and blood for me.
"I love you Chloe, if I had known you carried my child back then, I'd have never let you go."He promised, holding me tightly and snuggling his face into my neck as he took in my scent.
"I'm sort of glad you left, in a way, I got to live an amazing life, have fun, go places, do crazy things, fall in lov-"
Malik growled as soon as I said fall in love.
"With who?"He roared.
"Vic fuentes, the lead singer of my favoite band!"I laughed at his reaction as he calmed down and sighed before smiling.
"I thought I had compitition."He smiled and I decided to leave Benny outta the conversation.
"I love you Malik and I missed you so much but I am so glad I got the experience so thank you... We are at the pack house aren't we?"I asked and Malik nodded.
"Well, I need to get home to my son. My babysitter will be pissed-"Malik cut me off as soon as I stood up in search of my clothes.
"Both Max and Charlie are in the next room, Max found his mate, Carlos my twin brothers best friend."Malik told me and I sighed in relief.
"So how many siblings?"I asked and Malik chuckled, holding up four fingers.
"Lucy, my sister, no mate. Andy you met yesterday who has a mate and a child, my nephew. Oli, he has a mate and lives with her. and Kellin, my twin, no mate."He told me and I nodded taking it all in.
"Okay then...all taken in!"I smiled and he kissed my cheek.
He leaned over and placed his hand on my jaw.
"C-can I uh you kno-ow,...remark you?"Malik asked....Oh god, remarking strengthens the mating bond to the point where for the first few days you can't be apart for even an hour without you feeling depressed like a man that lost his wife with no kids.
"Uh, okay Malik."I said and his eyes shifted black.
"Hello wolfy."I smirked and his wolf laughed before pressing me forcefully down to the bed as he mounted me.
He went straight to my lips, leaving a sweet kiss before he bit into my neck, over my previous mark, my body convulsed in pain and I let out a short scream, followed by moans.
Malik pulled away, his ocean blue eyes returned and he smiled, pressing a kiss to my forehead and slipping his tight fiting shirt onto me, but for me this was a way too over sized T-shirt, it fit me like a dress.
"Let's get some breakfast babe."Malik told me and I nodded, kissing his lips delicatly.
"Okay...oh but you will have to meet Charlie at some point, I told him one day his daddy woukd come home an here you are."I smiled sadly and I knew tears were threatening to fall.
"Baby please don't cry."Malik begged.
Malik will never habbit, wait!
I quickly glance at my wrist and saw all of my braclets were still there.
A while ago, I went through depression, I thought I was a shit mom, useless, hopeless, I shut everything and everyone out...I did shit I am not proud of.
But scars are forever...
Enough of my down time.
"So what about breakfast?"I with a fake smile.
"Sure."Malik said hesitantly but he agreed anyway.
I grabbed his hand and he pulled me down stairs to what I guessed was the kitchen.
Boy was I wrong, this was a freaking chefs wet dream!
I gasped at the size of it and Malik just chuckled sexily at me, making me pout.
"Geez thanks, Malik!"I said sarcastically but he just grinned at me.
"Okay then what do you want?"He asked pulling open a cupboard filled with a lot of different cereals.
"I was thinking more like let me cook."I suggested and he smirked.
"Ofcourse babe, here is were we keep the bacon, sausages, eggs, milk and we keep the bread here."He said pointing to the fridge and kitchen island.
"Thank you!"I said sweetly and started my food magic.
I ended up finding pancake batter and made pancakes as well as sausages, bacon, scrambled eggs, eggs on the sunnyside up, toast, beans and orange juice.
I hadn't realised how much I had cooked till Malik had commented.
"Wow, you feeding an army?"He asked smugly and I scoffed at him, flicking my hair over my shoulder dramaticly, rolling my eyes.
"No, a pack."I said sticking my tongue out.
Apparently the scent was awakening the pack because a few of the male pack members walked down stairs and into the glorious kitchen, one with a girl who was clearly his mate.
I set out six plates and piled them up with food, four for the pack members and two for me and Malik.
I sat down with Malik sat down and I set the rest of the food out on the table so the pack could help them selves when they woke up.
"You okay baby?"Malik asked with a mouth full of food.
I scrunched my nose up in fake disgust and smiled a little.
"Yeah I am perfect."I said leaning into him slightly and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I started eating.
"Thank you so much Luna!"The members said and I nodded happily.
Soon enough the giant table was loaded with people and they were all chatting excitedly.
"Hey girly."Max said and I saw little Charlie sitting on Maliks lap making me internally awe.
"Hi mommy!"Charlie hollered and I said 'hi baby' back to him.
"I need a shower so I am going back to our room."I told Malik and he nodded.
*Maliks P.O.V*
I saw a horrific sight last night...
Under my mates jewellery...
Under her braclets...
There were scars.
Angey red scars.
Clearly self inflicted!
My mate had self harmed in my absence! This was all my fault! My mate being a potty mouth, resenting me, her friends disliking me, her lonliness, her problems, and the fact I had no idea I had a son.
I had accused her of cheating even though it's obvious the kid is mine.
"I have a plan for you too make it up to her, she is a good one brother."Andy told me and I smiled as he told me the amazing plan.
"I am setting it up all today so please tell her I had to leave on urgent alpha business."I commanded him and he chuckled at me as I got ready to run off and sort it out, I was extremely excited.
"Play this aswell, trust me, she will love this."Andys mate Juliet told me and I grinned saying thank you to her taking the CD that she had in her shopping bag...Why does she go shopping so early man?
*Chloes P.O.V*
I looked at my reflection in the mirror and looked away in...terror? Hate? Disgust? Repulse?
I just knew I hated myself.
Groaning, I frowned at myself and got dressed into some clothes Juliet, Andys lovely mate had left me.
"Thank you god, he still wants ugly disgusting lump."I muttered and a voice shocked me.
"Stop bringing yourself down!"I saw Juliet and I weakly nodded.
"You want to know what the hardest thing in this world is?"I asked quietly and Juliet looked confused, uncertain of what to say.
"It's knowing your not worth your mate and the hardest part is still breathing while your apart and just having to brush it off for others even though your miserable at your very best."I whispered to myself, looking in the mirror and a single tear ran raggedly down my cheek.
I quickly wiped it away and forced a smile at her and Juliet just looked shocked.
"Chloe...Life is amazing and so are you! Your hot and smart and kind, everyone loves you! If anything Malik doesn't deserve you and I know how hard it is too be away from your mate, I feel the same but your back and life is gonna look up for you, but in order for the too happen you need to look up too."Juliet told me and I knew I was crying.
She held her arms out for me and I dived into them, weeping on her shoulder.
*Juliets P.O.V*
This broken.
*Chloes P.O.V*
After a while I had finished crying and I sorted myself out.
I went down stairs with Juliet and she just told me funny things making me laugh the whole way to the garden where Charlie was playing carelessly with the other children.
I smiled widely at the scene and laughed at how happy he looked.
"Wait, where is Malik?"I asked Juliet and she made a 'ah' sound and giggled with a blush.
"I was heading up to tell you Malik had to leave for Alpha business before the whole situation but yeah...Sorry."She told me and I shrugged yawning.
"Lets watch a film."Juliet suggested and I instantly agreed.
*Alot of hours and shitty horror films LATER*
God it was about midnight and I was beyond tired so I bid my fairwells to Juliet and Andy and headed to my bedroom alone.
I had already put Charlie to bed a few hours ago.
I settled down and started dozing off into a sleep when I saw Malik smiling gently down at me.

Goodbye my beloved Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now