Chapter four

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*Chloes P.O.V*
I woke up this morning wrapped up in Maliks muscular arms and blushed at what happened last night.
He was asleep so peacefully so I left him and decided to shower because I smelt of sex.
And yes people, sex is a smell.
I decided to use the bathroom downstairs and creot down there.
I found a towel and some jeans and a t-shirt as well as Maliks sweater so I decided to wear that.
I was lucky I found some underwear my size with the tags still on.
They were a little lacey but they would have to do.
I walked into the blue bathroom and saw all the body and hair cleaning products I would need.
I turned the shower on and let the warm spray of water pounce on to me.
I was pretty much finished, just rinsing my hair when a frantic, crying Malik slammed the door open and jumped into the shower holding me tightly as he wept.
"Malik, baby whats wrong?"I asked him, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly as he pressed my naked body tightly to his.
"I thought you had left me!"He whispered and held me tighter.
"Malik baby, I could never leave you, we are fully bonded now, I love you, I have your kid, I'd never ever leave you."I promised and he nodded with a soft smile as he rubbed my cheek.
He leaned down and kissed my forehead, my cheek, my nose, and my other cheek before he finally kissed my lips.
It was easy to sse it was already becoming heated and I caved in, wanting more but Malik pulled away.
"We are having a family day, me, you and Charlie, is that okay?"Malik pleaded and I nodded with a giggle.
"Ofcourse it is Malik, he is your son too."I grinned at him as he beamed down at me.
Kissing me once more before we both got ready.
Turns out, Malik had bought me clothes so I wore black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt with a long sleeved lumber jack style shirt and converse with...some very luring victoria secret underwear anf minion socks.
"You ready?"Malik hollered and I finished straightening my hair.
He had bought ne a hair dryer and straightners as well as alot of other stuff.
How sweet is he!
I was blessed when the moon goddess gave me Malik, definatly.
I jogged outside and Malik locked the door.
I was a little upset to be leaving and Malik must have known this because he kissed my cheek and hugged me.
"We will be back soon baby."He promised and I nodded as he held my hand guiding me back to where we left his bae of a car.
Once we finally got to the road and got in the car I wanted to know where Malik was taking me and Malik.
"Wher-"He shut me up with a kiss...even though he was driving!
"A fun fair."He laughed and I giggled at his excitement about our family day.
Once we finally reached the pack house Charlie and Maliks Nannan who is 54, and his 39 year old mother ran up.
No they aren't vampires we just usually have our kids at 16, Nanna was 15 when she had Emma, Maliks mom, and Emma was 16 when she had Malik.
"Mommy! Daddy!"Charlie screamed as me and Malik got out of his car.
Malik grinned happily as Charlie chanted 'Daddy' holding on to Malik tightly.
"Come on it's a family day."I told Emma and nanna.
"Well me and Emma here are going to a wedding party so we must take a rain check, sorry darlings, but I will see you dumplings later."Nanna laughed before they both left.
"Your mom hates me."I said simply and Malik shook his head.
"She doesn't really speak...She hasn't since I killed my dad."Malik whispered as I put Charlie in the nemo emo car seat and buckled him up admiring the hand crafted car seat that Malik had some how gotten from my house.
I closed the car door and got into the drivers passenger seat and Malik kissed my cheek making me chuckle a little.
"I love you babe."Malik told me and kissed my cheek again as Charlie yelled 'gross' in horror making me and Malik laugh.
"I love you too Malik, I love you as well little man."I said chuckling at Charlie.
I put some music on and 'terrible things' came on and I blushed remembering last night and Malik smirked over at me.
I fumled with my fingers to try and get it off but Malik grabbed both of mine in one of his and placed both of my hands on his lap so I retrieved one and kept the other there making Malik grin happily.
Charlie smiled at us both and I buckled my seat belt and we drove off down the road for about fifthteen minutes untill we arrived at a thriving fun fair.
"We are here babe, I will grab Charlie."Malik told me and I nodded, I switched off the radio and got out as Charlie clapped in excitement.
Malik got Charlie out and carried him on his hip, not wanting to lose him.
"Lets go now Chloe babe."Malik said kissing my neck as he passed me the keys.
I glared at Malik a little and he chuckled.
I locked the car door and pocketed the keys.
Malik handed me his wallet and asked me too look after it so I put it in the zip pocket of my jacket.
Malik grabbed and held my hand tightly as we traveled through the area.
I saw a few things for Charlie and pointed, it was a little kiddies area and Charlie got all giddy.
"Come on lets go have fun."Malik cheered as Charlie laughed with a careless expression.
About five rides on the tea cups, six rides on the little merry go round and alotnof other kiddies rides and laughs later we were all getting hungry and the clouds were getting grey, like it was going to rain and soon.
"Dinner time boys."I laughed as Malik and Charlie started throwing hoops at milk bottles.
"Me will win daddy!"Charlie yelled, angrily tossing the hoops and pouting when he didn't.
"It's all about the fun, son."Malik told Charlie with a smile and Charlie nodded with a smile again and Malik began throwing hoops again.
Malik, being an adult werewolf, won easily and got to pick any teddy he wanted so he picked a cute little bear holding a love heart making me awe.
"Thanks Malik, its so cute."I said kissing his lips softly and as I pulled Malik grinned goofily making me giggle at him.
"Anything for you Chloe, my future wife."Malik muttered, picking my hand up and kissing the finger that had our enagagement ring on.
I never took it off, so he didn't need to put it back on.
Charlie starting pulling me and Malik along as Malik out his amr over my shoulder and held Charlies hand.
"Daddy, Mommy, I want the goldfish!"He said pointing to the teddy and Malik chuckled.
"Okay kiddo, just hang on, I will try okay?"Malik asked and Charlie nodded his head with a sneaky grin.
"Babe, your so wierd."I smirked at my mate and he flexed.
"That, my mate, is even wierder."I laughed and Charlie began laughing too even though I know he didn't understand which made him even cuter.
I realized Charlie had moved us too a shooting one and Malik won as expected and he let Charlie pick what ever he wanted and Charlie picked the goldfish teddy as he said he would, even though he could have had an actual goldfish but who cares, as long as he is happy, thats all that matters.
"Thanks daddy, don't you want a teddy?"Charlie asked Malik confused as to why he didn't have one.
"I don't think so, mommy isn't very good at this stuff."Malik smirked over at me and I huffed in annoyance.
That asshole! He knows very well I am great at this stuff.
"Watch me Lover boy!"I glared at him and I walked to the darts tent and played.
I failed...Three or four times and Malik tried to calm me down.
"It doesn't matter babe, I was teasing, come on it's getting late and cold, Its almost seven, Charlie has to go to bed soon and we are all hungry."Malik pleaded but I turned to face him and narrowed my eyes.
He whimpered and backed off and Charlie was calling Malik a wimp making me chuckle as the two argue.
It started raining and I sighed.
I had one more go and I cheered as I actually managed to get it done!
I decided to get these little ying and yang necklaces that were magnets and joined together.
"Malik babe come here, lean down."I ordered and he did as I told and Charlie laughed calling his dad my lap dog.
"I will babe."Malik said, doing as I asked.
I leaned up and licked maliks neck making him moan as I slipped his half of the charm around his neck and kissed his jaw as I out mine on.
Malik looked at them both and he clicked them together, smiling.
He kissed my lips making Charlie yell ew.
"Lets get to the car, get mcdonalds and go home, yeah?"Malik asked me and Charlie and we both high-fived like the true kids we are.
"Chloe, I love you."Malik said once we made it to the car.
I unlocked the car door and Malik got Charlie all buckled and ready to go in his car seat this time and got in aswell.
He shook his head, getting everyone wet and I giggled at his dog like behaviour.
"Cute Malik, real cute, like a puppy."Malik growled a little and that made me laugh harder.
Malik grabbed the keys from my hand and started the car and driving us to Mcdonalds drive thru.
"WELCOME TO MCDONALDS HOW MAY I TAKE YOUR ORDER?" The lady asked through the intercom.
"One cheese burger happy meal, two big macs and two twenty chicken mcnuggets and three rolo mcflurrys."Malik ordered and he winked over at me making me blush.
"What drinks would you like?"The intercom lady asked.
"A fruit shoot with the happy meal and cokes with the bic macs."Malik confirmed, reaching over and placing his hand on my thigh.
"Will that be all?" She asked us.
"Yes thats all."Malik answered and we drove around and paid.
We then drive around again and wait as they get it all together, a few minutes later the window opens and the lady hands us the food and reiept.
"Have a good day sir."She tried to say seductively but gave up when she saw me and Charlie.
"Have a good day guys."She smiled widely and thats when I realised who she was.
"Madi?"I asked my childhood friend and her eyes widened.
"Chloe?!"She almost yelled and I nodded.
"Dude give me a call, here."Madi said writing something, and then she told Malik to give it to me so he handed me the napkin with her number and I grinned.
"I definatly will chick, bye!"I hollered and Malik started the car again and we drove off.
"Who was that?"Malik asked and I smilef over at him.
"My best friend from high school...and the pack."I said sadly and he smiled encouragingly.
"Come on lets get home and eat."Malik smirked and thats exactly what we did.
We all ate as a family in the pack kitchen and Malik finally got Charlie to bed.
"Chloe baby?"Malik asked and I turned to him as I washed the dishes.
"Yes hun?"I replied and he blushed.
"I wanted to know wanted to try for another kid...

Goodbye my beloved Alpha MateDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora