Chapter 1 - Blue My Mind

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Bright blue nail polish was the only thing sixteen-year-old Journey Durant was willing to wear to show her school spirit. She wouldn't even do that if it weren't required to attend the pep rally in lieu of seventh period chemistry. Most everyone else at West Emerson High loved Fridays during football season, and it was evident by the spectacle in the parking lot. Cars were decorated with soap, streamers, and balloons in the school colors of red, white, and blue. Cheerleaders were in full uniform, football players were in jerseys, and all the teachers patrolling the lot sported blue or red polo shirts. Journey would never understand the patriotic color choice of WEHS. It was like the Fourth of July threw up all over the school.

Journey was perched on a brick half-wall, waiting on her best friend to pull into the junior's parking lot. In stark contrast to her classmates, she wore a black, vintage rock t-shirt over a white thermal and ripped blue jeans. She had on her favorite pair of purple Doc Martens, and her short platinum hair had bubblegum pink tips.

She was swiping on a coat of "Blue My Mind" nail lacquer when Kara Robertson's red, used sports car rolled to a squeaky stop in its normal spot. Kara angled out of the car, tossing her long brown hair over her shoulder. Like Journey, Kara stood out in the crowd—just in a more literal sense. She had been towering over everyone else in their class at over six feet since the age of eleven. Her mile long legs were on display underneath a short blue dress, which Journey knew was for the benefit of the football team's running back, Justin Kruse.

"Hey, girl," Kara said, smiling as she crossed the lot.

Journey screwed on the cap to the nail polish and dropped it in her backpack. "You look like a cast member from The Disney Channel."

Kara arched an eyebrow and put a hand on her hip. "You look like a cast member from Cops."

Journey laughed and hopped down from the wall. She and Kara joined the herd of teenagers heading for the bright red entrance to the school.

The two girls made an awkward pair, but they had been best friends since the fourth grade. When they started high school, Journey cut off her long blonde hair and dyed it purple. Most people, including Kara, assumed she did it out of rebellion against her conservative parents. The truth was, she was tired of failing to fit in with the popular crowd, so she became the exact opposite of them. The change suited her.

The starting string of the football team was huddled around a table in the cafeteria, just like they were every morning when the girls walked in. Journey and Kara assumed their normal position against the wall, so Kara could ogle Justin from a distance.

Rebecca Ashburn, the captain of the cheerleading squad, rushed up to Journey and pressed a glittery blue sticker over the Grim Reaper's face on her t-shirt. "Go Falcons!" Rebecca bubbled before doing the same to Kara.

Journey flinched and ripped the bird sticker off her chest. She contemplated sticking it to the wall behind her but slapped it to her forehead instead.

Kara rolled her eyes. "You're so weird."

Journey slid down onto the tile floor and rested her head on her backpack. "I know," she said and closed her eyes.

A moment later, a shoe nudged her in the ribs. "Hey, you."

When she looked up, the quarterback was towering over her. David Britton was a life-sized Ken Doll in a high school letter jacket. Not long after Journey had sworn off the popular crowd, David had decided to befriend her in geometry class. He knelt down on one knee and tapped the sticker on her head. "Is this your idea of supporting the team?" He had a straight-from-the-dentist smile.

"It was a drive-by stickering," Journey answered.

"Are you coming to watch me play tonight?" he asked.

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