Chapter 20 - Rhinestones & Glitter

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On Saturday, Journey almost cried at the sight of the prom section inside the mall. She held out her arms toward the frilly dresses and sequined shoes. "This is my hell!" she announced for the whole store to hear.

Kara pulled on her arm. "Oh, shut up. This is going to be fun! How much money did your parents give you?"

Journey did the math in her head. "A hundred and fifty, but I bought a carton of cigarettes."

Kara groaned.

"And I've got to get my oil changed this afternoon," Journey added.

She thought Kara might slap her. "What's David wearing?"

Journey's eyes widened. "Am I supposed to know that?"

Kara huffed and pulled her toward the nearest rack. "Well, normally, he would match his tux to your dress, but since he waited so late, I assumed he already had one."

Journey held up her hands in question. "I have no idea."

"Why did he wait so long to ask you?" she asked.

Journey shrugged. "I don't know. He couldn't find anybody else to go with since he and Abby just broke up."

She put her hand on her hip. "David Britton couldn't get a date? Whatever."

"That's what he said."

"He's a terrible liar."

Journey held up a pink and orange dress covered from head to toe in sequins and glitter. "If you expect me to wear anything even closely resembling this, we can just go home right now."

Kara laughed and put the dress back on the rack. "Trust me."

"You've been dressing me up since middle school. I don't trust you at all," Journey said.

Kara held up a long purple gown with flowers down the front. "What about purple? You love purple."

Journey shuddered with disgust. "I'd rather wear something out of my mom's closet."

"I think we need to divide and conquer," Kara said, tapping a manicured nail over her lips. "You go right, and I'll go left."

Journey headed in the direction of a red sign marked 'Clearance'.

"I thought you weren't allowed to go out alone with a guy till you're seventeen," Kara called over the racks. "How did you talk your parents into it?"

Journey laughed. "Are you kidding? My parents love David. I think they would let me run off to Mexico as long as David was going."

"So, what's the plan? Is he taking you to dinner? Renting a car?" she asked.

"No. He hasn't said anything about that stuff. We're just going to the dance." Journey held up a long leopard print dress. "What about this?"

Kara turned up her nose. "No."

"Where's Justin taking you?" Journey asked. Kara had already told her, but Journey had only been half-listening.

"The fondue place," Kara answered. Even from across the room, Journey could hear her sigh. "Isn't that romantic?"

Journey rolled her eyes. "Just dreamy." She picked up a red and black dress. "This is kinda cool."

"You'll look like a vampire."

Journey bared her teeth and growled at her friend.

Kara laughed and shook her head. "Next!" She turned toward Journey with a green shimmery fitted gown. "This?"

Journey began singing the theme song to The Little Mermaid.

Kara groaned and slammed the hanger back onto the rack. "You're impossible."

Journey picked up a short white and black dress. "Ooo, I like this one." She carried it across the room toward her friend. "And it's half-off."

Kara scrunched up her nose. "It's half-off because it's totally out of style. Nobody is going to be wearing anything above the knee."

Journey smiled and held the hanger up to her chin. "Then it's absolutely perfect!"


What dress would you pick out for prom?

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