Chapter 15 - Hey Jealousy

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On Monday morning in the cafeteria, Journey got another earful from Kara about the party she had skipped. She had spent all night with Justin and his friends on the hill. He even asked her to dance in the bed of his truck while Marcus Garrett blasted music from his new sound system. Apparently, David hadn't stayed long, and Steven never showed up at all. It didn't sound like Journey had missed out on much, despite Kara's inability to shut up about it.

While Kara blabbed on and on, Journey watched the door for Steven Drake.

David came in, walking with Abby Carter. Abby had waist-length blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and a figure that made boys trip over their own feet when she walked by. She was inarguably the most beautiful girl at West Emerson, and unlike Rebecca Ashburn, she was smart and infinitely kind. In that moment, however, Journey hated her. David didn't so much as glance in her direction as they passed by.

Kara noticed. "That was weird."

Journey thought so too. She had his letter jacket spread out over her legs, so she stood up and draped it over her arm. She crossed the cafeteria and stopped at the football table where David was laughing at something Abby had said. Still, he didn't notice her. Finally, she cleared her throat to get his attention.

He looked over at her and smiled. For the first time in a while, she felt completely out of place standing in front of him. She held up his jacket. "Here. I thought you'd like this back."

"Oh yeah." He reached out to take it from her. "Thanks."

She shifted awkwardly on her feet before turning back around toward where Kara was watching. David didn't stop her. With wide eyes, she gave Kara a small shrug as she walked back over.

"Totally weird," Kara said again. "Did you two get in a fight or something?"

Journey shook her head. "I haven't even talked to him since we left the game on Friday."

A smile crept across Kara's face. "He's trying to make you jealous."

Journey rolled her eyes. "No, he's not."

Kara nodded. "He asked me at the party if you had a thing for Steven."

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him the truth, and he wasn't happy about it," she said.

"Whatever, Kara."

Kara laughed. "I'm not sure who's more thick-skulled. You or David." She leaned toward her. "Marcus asked about you too. You're making quite a name for yourself."

Journey had no idea how or why. "What did he ask?"

"He just wanted to know if you were there or if you were coming," she answered.

Journey sighed. "So strange." She was desperate to talk about anything other than herself. "Are you going to see Justin again?"

Kara looked across the lunchroom to where he was seated with the team. She sighed heavily. "I hope so."

David was waiting at the locker that Journey shared with Kara after first period. "Hey," he said with a smile that was devoid of his chill from that morning.

She cocked an eyebrow. "Hey."

"How was your weekend?" he asked.

Journey spun the combination lock and didn't look at him. "It was fine."

He leaned into her. "You mad at me?"

She turned toward him. "You totally blew me off this morning."

He shook his head. "I didn't blow you off. I was in the middle of a conversation."

She sighed and turned back toward her locker. Out of the corner of her eye, she could swear she saw him suppressing a smile.

He bumped her shoulder. "Guess what I heard?"


"Your boy's in jail."


He nodded. "Beat up his old man over the weekend."

Her mouth fell open.

David leaned against the row of lockers with an odd mix of satisfaction in his eyes. "Yeah. They say he's done here. He won't be back to school."

Her heart plummeted. Steven Drake had been her reason for getting up every morning for two years. "Seriously?"

"Seriously." He knocked his knuckles against her locker door. "Hey, are you going to the Homecoming game on Friday?"

She shrugged. She couldn't think about anything other than Steven.

"What about the dance after?" he asked.

She grimaced. "Dances are lame."

He nudged her in the ribs. "You've gotta come. It's the biggest night of football season. I'll even be wearing a suit after the game."

She pulled back and looked at him. "A suit?"

He nodded. "Yeah. I'm on the Homecoming Court. I'm taking Abby."

Journey's hand paused as she reached for her English book. "Nice."

"So, will you come?" he pressed.

She slammed her locker door a little harder than she intended. "I don't know. Maybe."

He smiled that stupid, handsome smile of his. "Cool. I'll see you later."

She watched him till he disappeared down the hall. She felt nauseated, but she didn't know why.


Author's Note:

Sometimes I wanna smack David Britton. How about you?

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