Chapter 7

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"I have a great idea!" Alice says. Let's go shopping!, she thinks. "No." I say. "What?" She asks. "I refuse to go shopping." I say. Everyone gasps. "How did you know that?" "I read your mind... Duh." I say. "I guess you don't really know all of my powers...awkward." I say laughing. "Well, we'd like to."Dad says curiously, and everyone nods. "Okay, well I can move things with my mind, and I am a copy cat. So I basically have every power." I say looking down. "Alexa! How did we not know this? Wait don't answer that, we all know why. But this is wonderful!" Mom says. Everyone talks about how I am the most powerful vampire alive. I just play with Emily's braids, and smile when she giggles. "I have an actual good idea!" Renesmee says. "And that is?" I ask. "Well not to break up this whole glorify moment, but my wedding is in two days, and we kind of have a lot to do...." She says. I laugh, "okay, okay. What do we have to do today?" "Well um, first, you need to get fitted for your bridesmaid dress. Then we have to go to Jacobs house to make sure everything is going to track. Then we have some other things to do, but yeah. We need to get dressed and stuff." "Okay! Let's go! We have a wedding to prepare!" Alice squeals, and I roll my eyes. Alice jumps up and pulls Jasper up too. "Let's go get dressed!" I tell Emily, and she claps her hands, earning 'awhhh's from everyone.
I change into a maroon sweater, black leggings, and brown combat boots. Then I put on my gold ring, and pull my wavy hair into a messy bun. Then I grab my coat, and purse. I shrug into my coat, and bring Emily's downstairs, where she is playing with Emmet. "You know, I used to kick you Mommy's but at this game." He says, and I swat him in the back of the head before putting Emily's coat on, and grabbing her hand. "Emmet, you know I kicked your butt. He gets confused sometimes." I say to Em, mouthing, he's crazy. She giggles, and Nessie calls for the third time from the car, "Alexa! We are leaving in one minute! Get in this car!" I laugh and wait 59 seconds before I teleport into the car, and say, "Oh come on! I have one second to spare!" She rolls her eyes, and Mom, Alice, Esme, and Rosalie laugh. "What ever! No need to brag." She jokes. I buckle Emily into her car seat, and we begin our drive to the tailor. "Nessie, one question. Please tell me my dress isn't pink?" I ask very cautiously. "Well, I voted for pink, but Alice said it was a fashion crime, so they are mint." She say sighing. "THANK GOD!" I shout, and give Alice a high five. "Yeah Yeah. Whatever." She says rolling her eyes. "So.... Your actually marrying a dog? I ask, laughing inside, because I know it'll irritate her. "Ugh! Yes Al, I am. Because he is hot, and I love him. He is the love of my life." She says and I fake gagging noises. "Whatever! At least I have some one. You may be alone forever!" She say mimicking horror. I laugh and turn to the back seat where Emily is sitting between Rosalie and Alice. "Emmy, you'll stay with me so I'm not alone forever right?" I say and she nods, blowing me a kiss. I laugh, and say, "In my opinion, Emily is cuter than any dog. And she smells good, not like a pet." She rolls her eyes, and we pull into the tailor place.
After two hours of last minute fittings, we get back in the car, and are just arriving at Jacobs house. It smells really weird, and their are a bunch of shirtless guys on the porch. "Do they own shirts? Just a question. It's weird." I say and everyone laughs. I unbuckle Emily from her car seat, and pick her up. Then we get out of the car, and all of the werewolf stare at me. "Nessie, you did tell them I was back right?" I say. "Well, Er, I may have forgot." She says blushing. Greatttt. "Well, Emmy, you ready to meet some wolf-people?" I ask her and she nods, but hides in my hair. "I know, they look scary, but they are suppose to be nice so I think we're safe." I tell her, and she giggles into my neck. "Mommy, why are the looking at us?" She asks. "Well, I am the returning twin. They all thought I was dead probably." I tell her staring at them. "Mommy, we are the only ones standing by the car... We should probably go expwain." She says, speaking in her maturing baby voice. "I think your right!" I say before kissing her cheek and waking to the porch. "So, the runaway twin is back!" Jacob says, and I roll my eyes. "Yeah, and you, well you look as love sick as ever." I say smirking, and everyone laughs. "Yeah, yeah. Where's your boyfriend?" He says, and I smile at him. "I don't have one, because I wouldn't want to take my chances of him being like you." I hiss back. Everyone passes around burns, and laughs. "Okay, then why do you have a kid. Is she yours or what? Because that's a bit scandalous if you ask me." He says smirking. "Mommy, he's a jerk." Emily whispers in my ear, loud enough for everyone to hear. I laugh, and say, "yeah he is! You tell him." She giggles and hides in my hair as everyone looks at her. "Well Jacob, she fits into my whole long story that I would love to tell you, but you test my patients, so I'll give it to you strait." I say, and he gestures for me to continue. "Well, when I ran away I lived with my best friend Jaden, who is like 15 years older then me. Then the other day, I got a call inviting me to your wedding, so I accepted it, then practically had a panic attack. Then I got over that, somewhat. And then I went for a really long walk, when I smelt blood. A lot of blood. Then I found Emily, and I would tell you what happened to her, but I won't because that was in her past life, which sucked, and is now nothing more than a distant memory. So I took her in, and now she is my daughter." I say smiling at his jaw dropped open. "So, do you feel like a dick yet?" I ask him, and he nods. I chuckle, and Emily claps. "Well alrighty then. Let's go inside. It's cold." He says, wrapping his arm around Nessie's waist, and leading everyone inside.

The Other Twin: the story of Renesmee's twin.Where stories live. Discover now