Chapter 20

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"I'm going out to get a few things." I says, grabbing my keys, and waving to my Christmas obsessed family. "Bye! Be back for lunch!" Esme says as I disappear out the door. I get into my little car, and drive to a little boutique. I push open the door, and ignore all of the usual stares I get. Some people are just not observant enough to see my ring. I roll my eyes at some of the things people are thinking. "Is there anything I can help you with?" A boy, about eighteen or so asks. "I'm okay, thank you." I say with a smile, and walk away from his still stunned face. Most of the stuff here is old and weird, but then I see it. It's beautiful. I walk over to where it is, and hold the silver necklace in my hand. It is shiny, and reminds me of one Jaden used to wear every day. "Do you like that one?" The same boy asks me. I smile, and nod. "I can bring it to the counter if you'd like." He suggest, and I nod, handing it to him carefully. He walks back to the counter and I look around some more. I decide to get the necklace for Emily, and get Alexandra a bracelet. I get the twins both their own bouncers and swings, and check out. The boy try's to slip me his number into my bag, and I roll my eyes. I wave to him goodbye with my left hand, flashing my ring, and laugh to myself when he sighs. I drive back to my house and drop off the gifts, before driving to the main house. I hear a heartbeat that I recognize immediately. I smile and run through the door and jump into Seth's arms. "I missed you." He says, and I hug him closer to me. "I missed you too." I say, and kiss his cheek. Alice takes a picture, and I laugh. "You'll want this one too." She says and winks. I laugh, and lace my fingers with Seth's before pulling him into the room where all the kids are. "Daddy!" Emily shouts, and runs up to us. "There's my girl!" Seth says, and picks her up, slinging her over his shoulder, and dropping her in the couch. She giggles, and hugs him tightly. "I know two little vamp-wolves that have missed you." I say, carrying over Jaden and John in my arms. "They have gotten so big!" He says, taking them from me. "Oh yeah? Just wait until you see Alexandra! I say, my eyes widening. He laughs, and whispers to the twins. They giggle and he smiles. "Mommy! Alex grew more!" Emily tells me. "Oh? That's nice!" I say. I go over to where Renesmee is coloring with Alex, and laugh. "What?" Nessie asks. "She looks exactly like you did when I left." I say, and she smiles. "Aunt Ally! I am read a book today! She says, and I smile. "That's great!" I say, and smile. "Where's Jacob?" I ask. "Seth said he had some chief thing to do. He should be here soon." She says and I nod. "Alexa! The twins are hungry!" Seth calls, and I grab their bottles from the fridge. "Give me a baby!" I exclaim and he laughs, giving me John. "Here, this is her bottle." I say, and he nods. I give the bottle to John, and stroke his hair. "So John? How has your day been?" I ask him. He puts his hand on my arm, and shows me Emmet playing with him, and Rosalie combing through his hair. "He has a gift." I say, and Seth gasps. "So does she." He says, looking stunned at Jaden. "Is that all?" I ask John. 'No, we have all of the gifts you have.' John thinks, and I gasp. "They have all of the gifts I had when they were born!" I say, and Seth smiles. "We have genius babies." He jokes, and I laugh. "I love you." I say, and she pulls me into him. "I love you too, more than my own life." He says, and kisses me on the lips. I sigh, and lay my head on his shoulder. I look down at the twins, now sound asleep, and smile. "Nessie?" Jake booms he walks through the door. "Jake!" Renesmee says, and runs into his arms. They start kissing, and I look away. "So, you held down the fort?" He asks. I laugh," Well I did stay here most of the time, so I had a lot of help." I say laughing, and he chuckles. "I missed your laugh." He says, and kisses my head. "But I'm really hungry so can we go eat?" He asks, and I nod. We put the twins in their pac n play, and go into the kitchen, where Alex and Emily are eating the pasta Esme cooked. "It looks good!" Seth tells Esme. "Thank you Seth" She says, and puts our plates on the table. We eat really fast, because we are both super hungry. "Dad! Can we play princess?" Emily asks with puppy dog eyes, and he make a face. She pouts, and he caves. "How can I say no to that face!" He says, and picks Emily and Alex up before running upstairs. I sigh, and go to the piano room. No one is in their, so I go to the bench, and start to play something by Mozart that I don't remember the name of. I played this when I was younger, but I could never remember the name. "That's really good!" Mom says, and walks in. "Your dad told me you could play, but he didn't say you were better than him!" She says, and I laugh. "But really, you play that better than Mozart." She says, and I laugh again. "I've known this one for a while." I say, and end the song. "Hey, she's good, but il still better." Dad says walking in, and wrapping his arms around moms waist. "She better." Mom says, and he fake pouts. "Sorry! But I have a photographic memory and an actual gift for music." I say and he laughs. "Whatever! Don't forget who taught you!" He says, and raises an eyebrow. "That would be me actually." I say and laugh. "Right. Well we are going hunting, want to tag along?" He says, and I shake my head. "I don't drink blood actually. I mean I can, I just choose not to. It makes me feel guilty." I say, and he stares at me. "You mean even animals?" He asks and I shake my head. "I don't hunt animals either. I don't like hurting people. Or things. I guess I have to much appreciation for life." I say, and they stare wide eyed at me. "You know your kids are vampires right?" Mom asks and I nod. "They like blood, it doesn't mean I have to. Trust me, I built up a tolerance. I hardly even think about blood." I say, and they shake their heads. "Your such a good person." Dad explains, reading my mind, and hearing my confusion. I laugh, and blush. "I guess. That's one way to put it." I say, and they nod, and leave. I hear a cry, and immediately recognize it as Jaden's. I go downstairs, and gasp. "Oh my god! You got so big!" I say, picking up my small-one year old sized daughter. "When did this happen?" I ask, bouncing her on my hip. 'When we napped' she answers in her mind. "Well then! You look so pretty!" I say, and she giggles. "Let's get you and John into some bigger clothes!" I say and she nods. I pick up a sleeping John and put him on my other hip. I walk upstairs and clear my through by the room Seth is in with Emily and Alex, and now Jacob. "Woah." He says, and walks over. "Lil J! You got so big huh! My pretty baby!" He says, and takes John from me. I laugh, and lead Seth into the room where Nessie and I's baby clothes are. "I'm not putting my boy in pink." Seth says, looking through a pile of dresses. I dig through the pile, and find who plain white long sleeved shirts. "Good?" I ask holding it up and he nods. We change the twins into the shirts, and put them in bigger diapers. "How did this happen?" Seth asks and I shrug, picking up Jaden, and say,"That's what we're going to ask Carlisle. He nods, and follows me downstairs. "Where is Carlisle?" I ask Alice from behind her. "The hospital, he'll be home soon." She says, not even turning around. "You can't see the twins future can you?" I ask, catching her attention. "No why?" She asks. "Well..." I say, and walk in front of her. She gasps and stands up. "Hm. I guess we can go see him at the hospital, I think he had a meeting, but it should be over soon." She says, and I nod. "Seth, are you coming?" I ask, and he nods. We leave Rose in charge of Emily, and tell her to tell Mom and dad when they come back. Alice drives, and we hold the twins in our laps, not bothering to move the car seats into Alice's car. We pull into the hospital parking lot, and go up to the third floor. "Hi, we are here to see Dr.Cullen." Alice says. "Name?" The nurse asks. "We don't have an appointment, he is our dad." She lies smoothly. The nurse nods, and buzzes the door open. He walk to his office quickly, and walk in. "Hello- oh! What are you doing here?" He asks, suddenly worried. "Well it's not an issue, but the twins grew, we just wanted to get them checked out." I say, and he sighs in relief. He walks us into an empty evaluation room, and locks the door. I set the twins in the table, and back away. Jaden stays calm, and John wakes up quietly. Jaden explains to him in her mind, and he nods. "Okay, well they seem healthy.  I think that they will probably grow at a normal rate from now on. The switch from formula to Blood spurted their growth, but now that they are used to it, they'll be fine." He say a few minutes later. Seth and I let out a relieved sigh At the same time, earning a laugh from Alice, who has been taking pictures this whole time. "Eventually you'll run out of film." I say and she shakes her head no. "Okay JJ? You guys ready to roll?" I ask the twins and the both reach out for me to pick them up. I pick them up, and kiss their cheeks. "You guys scared everyone single person you've ever met." Seth says and they giggle. We drive home and explain to everyone. They all sigh in relief, and Mom and Dad barge through the door. "See! I told you they would be fine! Dad says, and mom smiles, rushing over to where I am holding both of them. "Their fine mom. Cute as ever." I say and she laughs. "Well, they have a cute mommy." She says, and kisses my head. "Yeah, and aunt!" Renesmee says, sitting on Jakes lap on the couch. Dad frowns at how their sitting and I laugh. "Dad, you know how they had a kid right?" I joke and he grimaces. "Come on Eddie, that bet has almost worn off!" Emmet says, and dad growls, earning laughs from everyone.
(In the picture, John is on the left, Jaden on the right.)

Btw I love you all:)

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