Caitlyn and Brian's Wedding

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  • Dedicated to Caitlyn Kavaky

Megan’s POV

                Time flew by, it’s the eve of Caitlyn and Brian’s wedding. We all headed out to a bar that Johnny owns in Miami. Besides Caitlyn, Brian and Jacoby and I, there was Kaitlyn, Zacky, Jimmy, Jason, Amy and Caitlyn’s parents. We all got up and danced , the guys enjoyed a few beers, and we all talked about tomorrow and some made early toasts to the couple.

Caitlyn and Brian’s Wedding

Setting: New York, on her family’s lake surrounded by oak trees.

Date: March, seventh.

                You look beautiful, I said. No I don’t I hate my legs, Caitlyn said. Caitlyn, stop that everyone loves you, especially Brian, no one cares what your legs look like and you look beautiful in a white elegant dress that’s strapless and I promise you it was made for you. But I know what they look like and they are not skinny. I have been telling you since we met you are not fat, I said. Plus, you can’t postpone your big day! She gave me a smirk, having me know I was right. You need to get dressed, Megan, Jacoby will love you in that dress, she said willingly. I’ll get dressed, ok? The dress was very pretty, it was purple, and had small straps that crossed in the back it was the perfect dress for me, and the shoes were five inch black heels. It was the kind of dress that fit you perfectly everywhere. Caitlyn look very beautiful and sexy for Brian and I looked marvelous.

                I snuck out of the room to go visit the men. As I stepped in the room Jacoby turned his head, and his jaw dropped in awe. He came over gave me a kiss on the lips and put his hand around my waist as we made our way over to Brian, the soon to be wed. He looked nervous to me; he cleaned up nice the guys were wearing all black with purple ties, which matched the bridesmaid’s dresses. Brian had his hair in the way Caitlyn always loved to see. His hair was classy but with a twist of him in there, it's hard to explain. Hey, Brian you ready we are going to start in ten minutes.  Yeah, I’m just going through memories in my head of Caitlyn and me, he answered.  Well we are going to make more, and you know Caitlyn and I love photo albums, so you will have plenty to look over. I got to go help Caitlyn before she takes her special walk, I said hugging Jacoby while he kisses me on the forehead, then leaving and wishing Brian luck.              

                When I got back everyone was ready, and perked up in excitement, I gathered them together and we had a group talk about how everything was planned out. It was time to go line up to walk down the aisle. As the music started playing we went down, first were Brian and then I being her bridesmaid comes next with Jacoby in hand. We all came down couple by couple, as they came down I admired their alter it was perfect, it  was under two oak trees, that looked they were holding hands, when the branches from both trees came together as one in the middle. Then Caitlyn’s turn came, everyone stood, and made cute smiles as she came down the aisle. She was beautiful, perfect, she was never fat, and I don’t like it when she says that.               

                They had very meaningful vows you could feel the love. The wedding was traditional; we all headed to a banquet hallway that was in a pretty building about 10 miles down. When everyone was there, the wedded couple finally came in we all cheered, as we very happy for them. They took their place on the dance floor first dancing to “Warmness on the Soul” and after a slow dance, Brian and Caitlyn danced to Sweet Child O’ Mine”. The waiters came out with Italian food featuring the dishes we ordered when Brian proposed. After an hour after the extravagant dinner giving the group time to have their food settle in, dance, and chit chat, Duff brought out their cake. It was white fondant, four tears and white royal icing piping. After we danced the night away we headed home; As the couple was eager to get to the honey moon.

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