Our new home

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We've been walking in the sunny streets for a while, using the map as a guide and finally we're this close to reaching the Lafayette tower- our new home. In the mean time, my siblings have been fighting over who is to have the larger bedroom. I know... I know... they're always fighting and arguing about silly stuff. Mum has been concentrating on the map so that we won't get lost. Newyork is certainly a big city and it's easy to get lost in.

       Now, we're standing in front of the Lafayette tower, astonished from the wonderful view. It towers above us in the sky, all of its windows made of electric blue, translucent glass making the suns' rays that are reflected go through my eyes. My mum keeps the map inside the bagpack and then says," There we are. This is our new home. Are you ready to get inside?".

"Yes", we answer in unision excitedly.

"Then what are you waiting for?", she asks.

  We then enter the building, to find ourselves in a crowded, formidable, sophisticated and perfectly-designed hall. Lots of people are roaming around here and there, each person busy with what they have to do. In the centre of the hall is a grand desk with a couple of secretaries sitting behind it, each secretary either answering calls, or working on computers or reading through files. It's a bit like the real estate. I stare at mum and then tap on her shoulders then say," Mum, I think we should be going to the desk and ask one of those secretaries about our penthouse."

"Right", she says.

      We start heading to the desk after each other, dodging people. When we reached the desk we stopped in front of a secretary. She looks up at us with a smile spread on her face to greet us.

"Good afternoon. How can I help you?", the secretary asks politely.

"We've just rented a few hours ago a penthouse in the 99th and 100th floor in the Lafayette tower.  Is this it?", mum says.

"Yes. It is the Lafayette tower. Firstly, I want to welcome you here and secondly, I want to say that yes, I've just received an e-mail a while ago about someone renting a penthouse." The secretary checks her computer for a while and then asks," Are you Mrs.Matt ?".

"Yes", mum answers with a tone of sadness in her voice because of remembering dad.

"Ok. Just follow me and l'll show you the way", the secretary says.

"Ok", mum says.

The secretary gets up from her seat and leads us to a part of the hallway with the same huge, metal doors. There are ten of them. The secretary presses on one of the buttons that calls the doors to open and then suddenly all the other buttons automatically light up like the one she just pressed. Cool! Then one of the doors opens and a  young man- I think he's an adolscent  maybe in the early 20's- with light brown hair dressed in a red and golden uniform stands in it behind the control panel. The secretary then tells the man there the level that he has to drop us in and then takes the keys from mum and gives it to him.

"This is Theo, your steward in the elevator and he's going to show you your penthouse", the secretary says.

"Hi", Theo says with a smile.

"Hi", we say.

    The secretary leaves us and we enter the metal door. When the door closes it's silent inside the metal door- known as the elevator but then Theo says," I'm glad that there are new renters in the building and I'm glad that I'm your personal steward."

"You are?", mum asks surprisingly.

"Yes, I am", Theo answers zealously."Well, part of the money that you paid for the penthouse goes to the elevator and the steward, which I assume is me."

"Really?", mum says, beginning to understand.

"Did you know that in your furnished penthouse are buttons placed on walls in almost every room in case you needed me to do or help you with something? A..an..and also if you need anything in case I didn't come-which is rare- you can diall 155 and one of the secretaries will answer your call if you needed anything", Theo looks very overzealous about us.

"Are all the other apartments that way?", Sam asks.

"Well, yes. Everything is the same except for the special elevator and steward service", Theo says.

"Well that's great to hear", mum says.

"Do we have a swimming pool with rubber ducks all over it?", Sally storms out.

"Yes, you do", Theo answers happily as if he's the one who's going to swim and splash water in it.

"Yay!", Sally screams.

"Calm down, Sally", I say, laughing.

  "You've got a nice cat there, miss", Theo addresses me.

"Thank you", I say shyly, I don't know why but  I think I blushed. I just push the thought a way.

"What is its name?", he asks.

"Her name is Ginger", I Say.

"What a beautiful name", Theo remarks.

"Thank you", I say, blushing again!

"I named her", Sally screams, like a psycho.

Theo turns around to look at the screen that shows the level the elevator's in and then he says," There you go misses. We've reached your penthouse- the 99th level."

Then, the elevator comes to a stop.

"That was fast", I say.

"It surely was", Theo remarks and I blush again. What's up with the blushing? Why am I even blushing? I stand straight and pretend to be serious and try to stop blushing. A sound of tin-ton is made by the elevator as the door screeched open. Theo streches out his hands and gestures to us to step out of the elevator. We step out of the elevator, starting with me and then Theo asks," Have you got no luggage for me to carry?".

"No, we haven't got any luggage.At least for now", mum answers him without even looking at him. We were just staring at the door of our new home like stupid people for a while. Theo steps out of the elevator and then coughs twice lightly to bring our attention back. We stare back at him.

"Welcome home", he says.

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