Chapter eight

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Chapter eight


The moment the doctor entered everybody stood up.Mother closed the Quran that she was reading from and stood up. Malak straightened up from her position, sleeping in Omar's chest. Even Zachariah stood up, but I didn't. I just sat and heard him quietly.

"Is this the family of Ayman Fares?" when we all nodded not in the state of talking, he continued. "I'm Dr Ahmed. Mr. Ayman's fine. We did a small surgery because a tall glass was plunged in his stomach and when people tried getting him out of the car part of the glass that was outside of his body broke. We were scared that the glass hit one of the kidneys but we took it out and thank god it didn't make any damage in the inside of his body" he softly expalined with a small smile on his face making his wrinkles appear. Everybody sighed in relief the moment he finished talking.

"Can we see him now? Is he awake?" Mother was the first one to speak.

"I'm sorry to say this but it will take some time until he wakes up from the Anesthetics and drugs. But you can all visit him I think that by now he is already placed in a regular room"

"Thank you, doctor" Omar talked for the first time since his outburst. After the nurse told them the number of the room Ayman is in and both her and the doctor excused themselves, they all exited the waiting room. I took my purse also but didn't start for the room but rather the lobby Zachariah following like always.

"Layla where are you going?" he asked softly

"Home" I answered simply showing him that I didn't want to talk anymore. But clearly he wasn't having any of it or didn't get it because he talked again.

"Aren't you going to visit Ayman?"

"No" I answered curtly making him shut up with a sigh...Good


"Thank you for accompanying me in this day and supporting me" I said to Zachariah before he could climb in the car. I brought him back to my flat so he could take his McLaren.

"I will always be supporting you" he answered back gave me small smile and a goodbye and took off leaving me speechless with butterflies in my stomach and a big smile on my face. I shook my head frowning I couldn't just let him win me back.

I've got to remember, I'm not that important to him. if I was, he wouldn't have left me broken and alone.


Here I stand in the hospital again in the middle of the night. I waited after all of them went to another or to their own home. Then I entered Ayman's room secretly and silently.

Oh Allah (God).

Ayman's naturally tanned skin is now as pale as a sheet. Tubes were all over his body and a heart monitor was beeping annoyingly beside him. I covered my mouth but couldn't stop the sob. I stepped towards his bed reaching for his hands. I held his hands tightly kissed it then turned around. I quickly exited the dark room before anyone could see me.

Little did I know that Ayman is watching me.


I was just about to open the door of the car, tears streaming down my face.

"Layla" I froze quickly wiped my tears and turned around. Omar stood their fuming looking at me with disgust. Well this hurts. "What?" I asked impatiently I just want to get out of here.

"What are you doing here, again? I thought we were done with you two hours ago. You know what don't answer maybe you thought that if we saw you again here we will all take you in our arms. Well it's not going to happen." I looked at him with one raised eyebrow.

"Well Omar you need to know that I don't care about how you think of me. Never did never will and it's a free country I could go anywhere I want to." I answered back coldly.

"Oh... but it's not only me that can't stand you even your parents. You think you are adopted from an orphanage because your parents died. But guess what, your parents are living but they sent you to us with your birth certificate and a letter."

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