Chapter fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen


Zachariah has been sending glares in Nasser's direction since he arrived.

After the talk with Zachariah I invited him to sit with us as in Nasser,Malak and me. After Malak told me about this creepy guy who was following her I calmed her down and convinced her that it was nothing and if she ever saw him again she could call me and ill be where ever she is in seconds. Then I called Nasser so he could come and Zachariah followed right after. We went to a mall nearby in the city so Nasser would get to know the city more.

I introduced Zachariah to Nasser as an 'Old friend' and i knew that Zachariah didn't like it. Of course Nasser knew Zachariah that's why he was so confused that he was in front of my house and wanted to talk to me. Nasser being a boy oblivious to Zachariah's hate towards him took a picture with the 'famous footballer' of course with Zachariah faking a smile.

We are sitting in the food corner and are just talking of course interrupted many times so fans could take pictures either with me or with Zachariah. I heard somebody calling my name and I immediately cringed. I don't have a clue why this male voice was s familiar to me and at the same time so unfamiliar. I stood up and turned to him hoping that if I see his face I will know him. But before i turned i saw Nasser stiffen slightly. when I turned I still didn't recognize him but I knew and I'm sure that I saw his face before. He was an old looking man with a smile on his face. He had two dimples that could be seen clearly even though his smile wasn't that big.

"Do I know you?" I asked hesitantly

"Nupe i just know you from my grandchildren they watch you all the time and would be ecstatic if you gave me an autograph"



I parked the car in front of my private theater. I give private violin lessons as a part time job not for the money but I just like children and violin so why not.

I clapped my hands to gain the students' attention. The students were 13 or 14 years old they are six three boys and three girls. Mona is not here today though which makes them only five. They immediately sat in their chairs that was on the stage with the short music stands i front of them. The door squeaked open making me turn my gaze to it. Mona entered with Zachariah right behind her making my jaw drop

"I'm really sorry ma'am. I swear to god it was Zachariah's fault. He came late from his practice" Mona said quickly making me laugh "Its OK go take a seat and all of you be ready I will come back in five minutes"Mona winked at Zachariah and he actually freaking blushed and even though it was hard i held my laugh back.

"How are you related to Mona?" Was the first thing i said when i reached him.

"Well that's a hard one" he groaned "Okay look my mother has a brother this brother has a daughter this daughter is Mona's mother" he tried to explain and made some weird hand motions trying to make me understand.

"You know it is pretty easy if you just say that Mona is the daughter of your mother's cousin"

He had a thoughtful look on his face and nodded "True you're right. Oh my God why didn't anybody tell me this before" he face palmed.

"Well I don't think anybody did understand your very clear explanation" I threw my head back and laughed then coughed when I saw that he was watching me with a small smile and a loving expression on his face. I looked at my wrist watch "I've gotta go back to the students. Excuse me" I said and he nodded in understanding


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