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It's been a day since we told the cops about our suspect and still no word.

Apparently he fleed the country last week and was somewhere in NYC.

The cops told us to stay out of it but of course michael wouldn't listen.

"Passports please." The lady at the desk says.

Why am I going you ask.
I have no clue.

We hand her our passports than board the plane. First class I might add.

My first time on a plane and it's first class.

"Give me your bag." Michael says.

I hand it to him and he puts it in the compartment over our seats.

"Yes there's three we can all sit together!" Ashton says running up behind us.

"We're have you been?" I ask him.

"They have a food court." He simply says then sits on the outside seat.

Michael gets the window seat and I'm stuck in the middle.
Oh great.

I could tell that ashton liked me considering the way he had been acting. It was that or he was trying to piss off michael who I was sure liked me.

He did pretty much admit it to me.

This is going to be a long trip.


It's 12:00am and ashton asleep, across me if I might add.

Michael had been giving him vicious glares this whole time and it was starting to bother me.

"Mikey are you ok?" I whisper trying not to wake anyone up.

"Yeah I'm fine." He replys.

"Ok just making sure." I say leaning my head on his shoulder and try to go to sleep.



"Wow this hotel is sweet!" I say once we get up to our room.

I look around and notice there's only two bedrooms.

"Mikey there's only two rooms and two beds." I tell him.

"What I told them three when I called!" Michael says aggravated.

"It's fine I'll just sleep-

"You can sleep in my room, you've been sleeping with me for the passed week what's the difference." Michael says cutting her off.

"Alright." She says bringing her bag into the first room.

I don't understand why she likes him he's a jackass! I could treat her so much better if she just let me.

Or if michael let her. I feel like every time were getting close michael has some excuse to get her away from me.

That's why I offered to come here with them so sam wouldn't come back dating him.

I know that sounds preety cruel but if they did start dating michael would probably break her heart by going off and having a one night stand with some other bitch.


"Mikey will go look for him tommorow you need to go to sleep it's late." Samantha says.

"I'm sorry but I think it'd be easier if I started looking tonight so I gotta go." I say walking out of our hotel room.

I go out to the parking garage and get in my car.
It's cool  that I can afford a car in more than one country but I guess that's just another good thing about being famous.

I decided to go to the airport and ask about him since that's the last place I knew he was at.

I thought I was on the right path until I forgot one important thing calum never told me his name.

I should've went to the fucking police station with him! Why am I a dumbass sometimes?

I pull out my phone and click calums contact. "What?" He asks in a groggy voice.

"What's the guys name?" I ask him. "Logan Jameson." He answers then hangs up.


"Sir all i can tell you is that he got a cab literally the moment he arrived, we already had cops come here and asked the same questions the stations just down the street you can go ask them." One of the workers explain to me.

"All right thanks for your time." I say walking out of the airport.
I get outside and walk around the parking lot looking for my car but it's not were to be seen.

I dig in my pockets looking for the keys to set off the alarm but I don't have them.

"Shit!" I scream a little to loud.

I pull out my phone and call a cab hopeing that one would come out here at four am.

I walk into ashtons room and crawl into the bed.

Since we'd been living in a small house for a long time I was used to sleeping with someone so I hated being alone at night.

"Sam?" Ash says triedly.

"Sorry I'll go if you want me to." I say not wanting to be rude.
"No it's fine you can stay." He replys.

"Thanks." I say while pulling the covers over me.

"What happend to mikey?" He suddenly asks.

"He was being stubborn and went to look for the guy." I yawn.


As I try to go to sleep  I feel  Ashton wrap his arms around me and pull my back against him.

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