Chapter 1

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We ran to our car,panicking from what we saw."What do we do!?"My friend asked.I looked at my shaking,clutched hand."We...we drive." "Are you nuts!" He shook me back and fourth until I held his hand."We drive to her place. She'll know what to do."

I hung the long,brown rope from the ceiling.Making sure it was tight enough to hold a lot of weight.I then heard a bang on my door,as I dropped the rope. I heard the door open,two men looking surprised at me. "what are you doing?"the one asked. "I'm hanging my mother's plants up.I thought that the plants would be a nice edition on the ceiling." The men looked at me confused. "Listen,we need your help."I looked at them,finishing up hanging my plant. One of them grabbed ahold of me. "Please..."I sighed."I know one's one my friend Jeremy told me about.He wrote it down in a book so I could tell it to others..."I gestured the other man in and closed the door behind them."Sit down please...I'm not sure if this will help but,please listen."

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