Chapter One

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"Do you ever wonder why we are here?"
"Well, you know, sometimes I like to believe we are not here by accident, you know? That someone out there meant for us to be here. That someone out there created us to be what we are today."
Simmonds looked at Grif, puzzled.
"What? No, I mean HERE, in this stupid box canyon"
"Oh...."  Grif looked embarrassed
"And what was all that stuff about creation, anyway?"
Grif looked around
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Simmonds sounded like he was mocking Grif.
"You two pansies better get down here on the double!"
A loud, southern voice butted in and could have burst their eardrums.
"Uh, yes Sarge" Grif sounded disgusted
"Coming, Sarge!" Simmonds cheered
"Kiss Ass" Grif mumbled to himself
On the way down from the top of the circular base, they heard Sarge throw a tool on the ground

Red vs. Blue. Season one.    Project Freelancer.Where stories live. Discover now