Chapter 3

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''AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!'' I screamed and then my towel suddenly drop.

Sandra was staring at my d**k. I covered it up with the towel immediately.

''W-what is that? Its huge... and white....'' Sandra pointed at it.

I was feeling nervous, like I committed a crime or whatsoever.

''Its n-nothing. now get out'' I scolded her.

Sandra walk backwards out of the door, like she was waiting for it to appear again.

I thought back to it and it was so embarrassing. My face got red.

I put my clothes on and went into Sandra's room. It was all pink with butterflies everywhere.

''Time to go to sleep now, school is tomorrow.''

''tell me a story please,Chrissy''

I rolled at that name,Chrissy.

I sat next to her and told her a story.

''There was once a little boy. He didn't have much,nor he didn't need much. He only have his guitar and thats all he need. He created beautiful music about his past. '' I ended the story.

Sandra was asleep smiling. I smile and went to my room.

I got a pen and paper and starting writing a little music.

'little woman, little woman... you are so oh adorable. I don't mind your small brain, everything you do makes my mouth twitch a little into a smile.'

I went to sleep without finishing the song.

~~~next day~~~

I woke up and make oatmeal cereal for me and Sandra. I drove her to school.

It says 'Mentally Ill school'.

I drove back home and smoke a few cigarettes.

I log on to my Twitter and saw a lot of fans complain about how Never Shout Never would not make anymore music because of the injury.

Those annoying dumb fans. I rolled my eyes and log out.

I watch some TV until it was time to pick up Sandra.

''school was awesome today. wanna know what we did at school, Chrissy?'' Sandra asked me

''No.'' I continued driving.

''We ate crackers and watch a movie because it was fun Friday'' Sandra said and then look outside her window.

''can we go to the park please,Chrissy?'' Sandra begged

''No.'' I said in annoyance


''Fine'' I said as I give up

I park the car next to the sidewalk.

''Tag!'' Sandra touch me and then ran away

''What? Im not playing '' I question her

''Catch me if you can, coward!'' she stuck her tongue out at me

''oh....your gonna get it''

I ran towards her but damn, she was fast. Sandra ran in zig zag and Im not good in running in zig zag.

I stop and sat on the ground to catch my breath. whoo......she just took my breath away.

I stood up but they were fangirls coming towards me.

''Chris!!!'' a fangirl yelled

''AHHH!!! I LOVE YOU CHRIS!!!! '' another one yelled

I ran away from them and took Sandra's hand and we both ran like dogs.

We hid behind a fat tree from my fans.

''who are t-'' Sandra asked but I covered her mouth.


Sandra POV

It feel weird. It feels warm. I look up to Chris's face. I like the worried look on his face for some reason.

Chris POV

I waited till the screaming of fans stopped. I look behind and all the fan girls left and went home.

''Chris, can we get ice cream?'' Sandra said

''huh? sure'' what happen to Chrissy? I missed that name.

I bought ice cream cone for both of us.

Its been more than five years since I have ice cream, probably because I smoke cigarettes too much.

Me and Sandra went home.

I make spaghetti again.

After taking a shower, I make sure that Sandra wasn't there. And then put my clothes on.

I went to the sofa to watch some WWE.

''Chrissy, Im sleepy'' Sandra said with tired eyes.

''Then go to sleep'' Chrissy is back, oh yeah...

''I don't want to be in my room alone though'' Sandra whine

''Well....stay here for a bit then'' I suggested


Sandra watch WWE with me but then she dozed to sleep and slept on my shoulder.

I look at her face and saw a grown ass woman but her brain acts like a child.

I wonder what happen to her.

I carry her on my arms and put her on her bed. I whisper good night to her.

''No.....don't hit me....I didn't do anything wrong....No!'' Sandra said in her sleep

I put my arms over her and tell her to go to sleep and that nothing is gonna hurt her.

She slowly went to sleep.

Why did she said that? did it ever occur in Sandra's life before or was it just a bad dream?

I stop thinking and then went to my room.


end of the chapter. bye.

She brings backs my good side. (Never Shout Never story)Where stories live. Discover now