Chapter 6

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I woke,staring up to the ceiling, I didn't want to leave Sandra but I have to. 


My manager called

''Hey,Chris, I heard about Sandra,surprisingly the band mates are healing and are better now, go to the studio to get your money and make more music.'' My manager said 

''K...'' I rolled my eyes and then hang up. 

I drive to the studio and saw my band mates. 

I went to the song recorded and record a song about Sandra, 'Little Woman' and 'Please Be Gone'. 

My manager suddenly came to us with a bright smile on his face. 

''Good news everyone! You guys are going to Van's Wrap Tour next month in August 6th in Florida!'' My manager announced and then left. 

''yay......'' I said sarcastically

My band and I select 5 songs to played for the tour.

~3 weeks later~

Sandra POV

I open my eyes and everything was blurry. I saw my parents with worried looks on their faces.

''Oh my god! She's waking up doctor!'' My mom yelled for the doctor to get here. 

''Looks like she have some of her memory erase. But she will still remember you guys'' The doctor said

''Thank god, when can she go home?'' My mom ask the doctor. 

''Well, she can go home today but let her rest and she should be eating healthy food. '' 

''Will she ever get her memory back?'' my mom ask curiously 

''Hm....there's a 10% chance of it if she ever met the person that she forgot and a 40% chance if she got hit on the head with something hard then she might remember it, but I don't recommend hitting her head now because it can be worse'' the doctor said and left the room 

My mom just stood there for a few mins and my dad was packing things up.

Shannon POV

Hm.....if Sandra ever met Chris will she remember her dad abusing her? 

I got my phone out and block Chris's number. 

Sandra POV

''Honey, Sandra, its time to go home'' my mom said and help me get off the bed. 

I got home and went to my room. Why is it so pink and childish? I want blue instead. 

I look on the ground and saw a lot of Barbie and games. I shook my head no. 

I went to my desk and saw a note, it said,     

you will always be loved ♥ -C 

I smile at it but I wonder who C is? Probably a friend of mine. 

I shook it off as nothing and went to clean my toys. 

''Sandra, honey, get some rest'' my mom came into my room. 

''I feel good. Sleeping is boring. And I want to color my room blue.'' I told mom 

''Oh alright,we'll call the painter tomorrow'' my mom dial her phone and then went to the kitchen. 

I feel like I need some fresh air and went to the park. 

I felt some deja vu while in the park. 

I went home and ate dinner with my parents. 

''Do we ever have anyone live in this house besides us?'' I question my mom. 

My mom got a surprised look and stuttered ''N-no, it just us,honey. why?'' 

''Because I kept feeling deja vu and by the way who is C?'' I question them

''Oh....C, its an friend of your but moved away. I forgot her whole name but you always like calling her C.'' My mom said again but this time in a lower tone. 

I finish eating and then went to my room to try to remember some of my faded memories. 


end of the chapter.  


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