Chapter 9

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I woke up late in the morning. I check the time and it was 11:30. 

My parents were gone but the TV was on. 

I took my pillow with me and slowly walk to the living room. 

I saw a someone sitting on the couch that have blonde hair. My mind was blank, all I can think was hitting them. 

''AHHHH!!! GET OUT!!!!'' I screamed at him and hit him with a pillow. 

''AHHH!!! STOP!!! Its just me!'' I heard a familiar voice, I stop hitting him and it was Chris. 

''Are you serious? If there was a real intruder in your house, your gonna hit them with a pillow? Like that's gonna killed them'' Chris said sarcastically

''Well...I could've use a hammer on you,aren't you glad that I didn't.'' I told him

''You probably never because I'm too cute for you to hit me'' Chris said and stuck his tongue out at me.   

''Yeah,your right,I'll never hit Chris the cutie'' I said sarcastically and began hitting him with the pillow. 

''AYYY....AYYY...'' Chris scream 

He took my pillow and began hitting me with it.

''HEY!!!THATS MINE PILLOW!!!'' I laugh as he hit me with it. 

I tried to crouch but I fell on my butt instead. 

He stop hitting me with the pillow but got on top of me.

''Get off me,you fat ass!'' I yelled at him. 

He slowly leans towards my face for a kiss. 

I knew that I can't do anything about it so I just close my eyes and wait for the kiss to happen.

I waited for 5 secs but nothing happen. I open my eyes and saw Chris 1 inches away from my face. 

''You really think that I would kiss you?'' Chris said

I can feel his breath. 

''N-no'' I lied to him

He got off of me and smiled. 

I sat up and blush, he was really close to my face, one more inch closer and then our lips will say hello. 

''Anyways,you want something to eat?'' I ask changing the subject. 

''No, I'm fine'' Chris said and sat on the sofa. 

I microwave the spaghetti from the fridge and went to the bathroom to clean my hair and brush my teeth. 

I sat on a chair from the kitchen table, scrolling through Youtube.

''Boo...'' Chris whisper to my ear. 

His breath tickles my ear which shock me. 

''Oh!'' I moan. I kinda enjoy it.  

''you like it don't ya?'' Chris said and smile at me. 

I blush and elbow him. 

''Ouch....'' Chris groan in pain. 

I smirk and got my spaghetti out of the microwave. 

I slurp my spaghetti noodles while Chris was looking through my phone. 

''Hey Sandra'' Chris said

I look up to his direction and he took a picture of me. 

I didn't care about it. 

He began taking photos of himself doing the peace sign and sticking his tongue out. 

That damn cutie! 

I finish eating and took my phone from his hand.

''Rude much'' Chris said

I smirk at him and turn the TV on and change it into the WWE channel. 

''Come on John Cena! You can do this!'' I yelled at the TV

''And your winner is JOHN.....CE.....NA.....!!!'' the announcer said

''Woohoo!! I knew that he can do it! '' I congratulated him 

''Wow.....its my first time seeing a girl watch WWE'' Chris said in amazement. 

I shrug my shoulders. 

''Lets go to the Boardwalk'' I went to my room to pack my stuff, not waiting for his reply,even though I already know that he would agree.

I hate wearing bikini so I wore a jean shorts and a normal black shirt and bought a black jacket, in case it gets cold.

We drove his car instead because its faster than mine. 

After one hour, we finally reach the boardwalk. 


end of dah chapter!  


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