NagisaXReader: The perfect guy

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As your teacher finished up with her lesson, the bell signaling the end of another school day sung throughout Iwatobi High School. At its familiar high pitched ring, your fellow classmates hastily packed their things and headed out of the classroom, eager to head home and spend the rest of the day as they pleased. You weren't in any rush to leave however. Dealing with loud crowds of people had always made you feel uncomfortable, so you had always waited for everyone else to leave before you. Not wanting you to feel alone, your best friend and secret crush Nagisa would wait patiently with you, although he didn't mind the mob of students nearly as much as you did. On this particular day, Nagisa had asked you for an unusual favor while you were waiting for the crowd to pass.

"Hey, (y/n)-chan! Your a girl right?" Nagisa asked you as you were stuffing your books into your (f/c) bag.

"Uh... what kind of a question is that?"you replied while raising an eyebrow at him.

"Then you know what a girl looks for in a guy, yeah?"

"I-I guess... although I can't speak for every girl. Why are you asking me this all of a sudden?"you questioned. It wasn't like Nagisa to ask about these kinds of things, or even talk about them for that matter.

"Great! Could you teach me how to be the perfect guy, (y/n)-chan?"Nagisa pleaded, ignoring your own question entirely. A look of bewilderment surfaced on your face as you tried to process what Nagisa had just asked of you. Why would he need to know how to be the perfect guy? In your eyes, he was already perfect. His good looks, cheerful personality, and warm smile that made your heart melt every time you witnessed it all made him the perfect guy in your eyes. A soft blush formed on your cheeks at the thought of this, but you shook your head and tried to bring your focus back on Nagisa. His large magenta orbs were begging you to accept his request, and he grasped your free hand with his own to try to wear you down. You didn't have the heart to refuse his offer, so after a moment you sighed and nodded your head. Nagisa's face lit up in excitement at the gesture.

"Arigato! I'll meet up with you later so we can get started k?" he exclaimed as he ran out of the room before you could protest. You let out another exasperated sigh as you sat up to leave. What had you gotten yourself into?


About two hours later, you heard a knock at your door, signaling that Nagisa had arrived to pick you up. He had somehow convinced you to go on a mock date with him so you could criticize him about the rights and wrongs of treating a girl on a date. Although you had never been on a date yourself, you had at least some decent knowledge about dating etiquette from watching anime and reading manga. You opened the door for Nagisa, who was standing on its opposite side holding a pink rose in his hand. He gave you a wide smile, making you blush slightly in reply.

"Hi, (y/n)-chan! This is for you! Girls like this kind of stuff right?" he asked while placing the rose in your hand. You smiled and nodded your head as you closed the door and locked it behind you. You held out your hand waiting for Nagisa to take it, but instead he looked at it with a confused expression on his face. You laughed at his obliviousness and intertwined your hand with his.

"Lesson number one, girls like it when you hold their hand like this,"you explained. Nagisa rubbed the back of his head awkwardly making you let out a small chuckle.

"Well, let's go then!" you said as you led Nagisa towards the direction of the cafe. You and Nagisa made pleasant conversation as you walked, an occasional laugh rising from the two of you as you bantered. You had always felt so comfortable in Nagisa's presence, so you never felt any awkwardness when you talked to him. Time passed quickly because of this, and before you knew it, the two of you had arrived at your destination. Nagisa held open the door for you as you entered the cafe, earning him a few points for politeness. When the two of you decided on a table, Nagisa insisted he go and order your drink for you. You accepted his offer, and after a few minutes he came back with two coffees, a piece of strawberry shortcake, and two forks in his hands. He set one of the drinks in front of you and placed the cake in the middle of the table.

"Girls usually like sweets right? I thought we could share some together!"Nagisa said with a smile on his face. You took one of the forks and nodded at him, a small smile plastered on your face as if to give him praise. You took a forkful of the delicious-looking cake and placed it in your mouth, savoring the cakes delicate flavor as it spread across your tongue. You let out a moan of pleasure as you swallowed, making Nagisa chuckle at your reaction.

"Your so kawaii, (y/n)-chan!"he complimented, making your cheeks turn bright red in the process. You cleared your throat awkwardly at the compliment and looked Nagisa in the eye. You had been wanting to ask him about the reasoning behind his request ever since you had started your mock date, although you were slightly afraid of what his answer would be. You weren't going to know if you never asked, however, so after a moment of trying to work up some courage, you began to speak.

"S-so... do you have a crush on someone, Nagisa? I-I mean, you must have some reason for doing all of this right?"you finally asked him. He gave you a small smile as a blush spread across his own cheeks.

"Yeah I do!"he replied, making your heart drop into your stomach. You were afraid of this. It crushed your heart knowing he liked someone else, but you tried not to show it on your face.

"Oh... I see... who is it?" you inquired, trying not to sound as depressed as you felt. Nagisa smiled even wider at you in response and suddenly leaned forward across the table. Before you could process what was happening, you felt a soft pair of lips press against your own.

Nagisa was... kissing you?!

After getting over the shock you closed your eyes and kissed him back, the sweet taste of strawberry cake faintly noticeable on his lips. After what seemed like forever Nagisa pulled away, a bright pink blush painted across his cheeks.

"I love you...(y/n)-chan, will you be my girlfriend? "he confessed. A wide smile formed on your lips and you nodded, grabbing his hand from under the table as you did.

"I love you too, Nagisa... and you are definitely the perfect guy for me."


Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it! I have to give some credit to my dad for this one, since he helped me come up with the idea when we went out for breakfast this morning. Sorry if Nagisa was a little ooc, im still trying to get used to getting their personalities correct. Also sorry if it was kind of cheesy, I can kind of get carried away when I write XD. I hoped you enjoyed it anyway though! If you have a request, just let me know in the comments below and ill get to it as soon as i can! Thanks!


Orcas, dolphins, and sharks (a collection of Free! Iwatobi Swim ClubXreader one-shots)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant