SousukeXReader: The Jealous Type

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Yamazaki Sousuke was the perfect boyfriend in your eyes. He was strong, yet gentle. He was kind. He made you smile. He could always tell when you were feeling down, and he knew exactly how to pick your spirits back up. And on top of all of that, he was extremely good-looking. However, your boyfriend did posses one trait that could get on your nerves sometimes. 

He was the jealous type.

 Whenever Sousuke would see you talking with, or even being in the presence of another man, he would almost always intervene. Sometimes he would come up with excuses so he could have you to himself, such as saying you had other plans or had somewhere else to be. Other times he would just flat out interrupt your conversation and drag you away. Although a little jealousy was to be expected in any relationship, sometimes Sousuke would act a little over the top, and today wasn't any different. 


"Thank you for coming with me, Sousuke,"you said as you headed into your favorite clothing store. Sousuke, who was holding onto your hand as you walked, squeezed it slightly in reply.

"It's no big deal, you always go shopping with me when I need a new swimsuit,"he replied looking down at you. 

It had always slightly bugged you at how much shorter you were than your boyfriend, but after a while you had gotten used to the difference. You gave him a warm smile and headed over to the clothing racks, scanning through the line of hangers for something that caught your eye. After finding a few articles of clothing that satisfied you, you walked into one of the fitting rooms to try on your findings. You picked up a pair of skinny jeans and a (f/c) lace top and put it on and proceeded to look yourself over in the mirror. Satisfied, you tried on a few other outfits you had picked out earlier and chose your favorite out of the bunch. As you were about to go meet up with Sousuke and purchase your clothes, an idea popped into your head. Smirking, you looked at the racks of unwanted clothes that was beside your changing stall and took a (F/c), upper-thigh high tube dress off of it. It hugged your chest and hips more than you would prefer, so it took a little longer to change into it. After successfully putting the dress on, you slid open the curtain and headed out to look for Sousuke, who was sitting on a chair near the changing rooms patiently waiting for you.  You smiled and called out to him to get his attention.

"~Sousuke~,"you called seductively, "how do I look?" At hearing his name being called, he looked up in your direction and immediately turned beet red at the sight.  He stood up from the chair and coughed awkwardly as he approached  you, making you chuckle.

"W-why are you dressed like that?"he asked awkwardly.

"I wanted to try something new!"you exclaimed before frowning, "do you not like it?"

"N-no... its not that...y-you look good, (y/n),"he complimented. You suddenly became extremely embarrassed and turned your head to the side.

"T-thanks..."you replied. The two of you stood there in silence for what seemed like forever until you finally spoke up.

"W-well I better go get changed!" As you were heading back into the changing room, you heard an unfamiliar voice from behind you.

"Hey babe you look hot! How about you get dressed and we can go somewhere else together. I want to get to know you better," a sketchy man asked you. He was a lot taller than you and had somewhat-intimidating looking eyes, which made you feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Sorry I'm actually with-" you were stopped mid-sentence when the man gripped your wrist tightly, making you wince. 

"Come on! I'm sure the person your with wouldn't mind if i stole you for a little while," the man said, winking at you as he did. You became afraid at his actions and tried to pull your wrist away from him. While you were struggling against his grip, a man slightly taller than your assaulter grabbed his shoulder and yanked him away from you.

"I WOULD mind,"you heard the man say. You sighed in relief as you realized Sousuke had come back to help you. The man became intimidated by Sousuke's actions and started to back away from you.

"H-hey man, I wasn't doing anything here,"he stammered. Sousuke scoffed at him in response as the man started to walk away. As the man distanced himself from the two of you, you let out a sigh of relief and ran to Souske, who enveloped you into a hug. 

"I was scared, thank you for saving me Sousuke,"you thanked. He pulled away from you and looked you in the eye, but the look on his face was somewhat an angry one. 

"Don't play any of these tricks in public again, alright? Guys like him might be lurking around, and you never know when they might go after you,"he scolded in a serious tone. You gulped and looked down at your shoes. 

"I won't, I promise." 


Silence spread throughout the two of you again, neither of you knowing what else to say. As you were about to attempt to sneak back into the changing room to break up the uncomfortable situation, Sousuke suddenly pulled you into a passionate kiss, startling you. You kissed him back after getting over the shock, placing your hands over his chest as you leaned into it further. Running out of breath, you finally pulled away from him and looked into his now smiling face.

"I'll always be here for you when you need me (y/n). And if you ever get into that situation again, i'll be sure to help you. After all, i'm not giving you up that easily,"he said. Your cheeks turned a slight shade of pink as you smiled at him. 

"I love you Sousuke, thank you so much for all you do for me."

As you headed back into the fitting room, you thought that Sousuke's jealous attitude might not be so bad.

Because today it had saved you.


Thank you for reading! Sorry if Sousuke is a little ooc, i tried my best but im not a huge fan of Sousuke (i don't hate him or anything tho) so it was kind of hard for me to get his personality right. This was requested by hearty_heir, I hope you liked it! Feel free to make a request, just comment down below if you have one for me! I'll get to it as soon as I can!



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