Chapter: 1 Leaving

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Lucy POV.

Me, Natsu, Erza, Gray, Happy, Wendy, And Carla were all walking back to the guild and I was just staring at the ground not talking. *sigh* Another mission where I was completely usless. I think to myself. Lissanna came back from Edolas A few Weeks ago and when she saw how close me and Natsu were she became a mini-Mira. She started going crazy and 'Shipping' people with each other like her older matchmaker sister Mira-Jane. As we were waking I guess Gray noticed my silence the whole walk. "Hey Lucy what's wrong? You've been really quiet the whole time since we finished the mission." Gray asked me. "Nothing. Just thinking of things..." I replied. "Okay." Do I even deserve to be in the strongest team of Fairy Tail? I thought. No....... Of course I don't. Maybe I should just quit the guild. Seeing as I don't deserve to be in the strongest guild in all of Fiore. Tears started forming in my eyes and my vision became blurry. Gray noticed and stopped immediately and grabbed my shoulders to stop me as well and said "Okay now I know something is wrong. You can tell me Lucy. I'm like a brother to you, you can tell me anything." "I already told you Gray. I'm f-" "No you're not Lucy. Don't even try lying to me I can see that something is bothering you." Gray cut me off. "Fine. I was just thinking of my mom and all the memories I have of her as a little girl." I lied. "What brought those up Luce?" That was Natsu who finally realized me and Gray had stopped waking. "W-well- erm- uh w-when I was a little girl w-we always used t-to walk through this forest when m-my mom needed to clear her mind." I lied yet again. I had made my decision. I was going to leave tomorrow at dawn so no one knows...... But first I needed to talk to master.....

Natsu POV.

Luce sure is acting weird today... I thought to myself. I hope she's okay. She never normally just starts suddenly crying like that. I could tell that she was lying but I just chose to ignore it. We arrived at the guild hall. Lucy left when we were waking to go to her apartment for something important to do..... I really hope she's okay...


Hello minna~~ I was just wondering how everyone was doing!! Yeah yeah I know. You all are probably saying 'why is Graylu scenes in this!?!??' Well that's because I can put Graylu moments in people!! Anyway. I was just wondering how you guys liked the chapter so far?? I'm sorry for it being so short I was writing this at like 3:00 in the morning. Anyway




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Or do all four!!!( ^ω^)

Bye for now minna~~!!!( ^ω^) (>﹏<) (^__^)

~Snowy- Chan

Going To Heaven BOOK: 1 In The Heavens Destiny Series (a Nalu Fairy Tail Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now