Different-Chapter 9

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9: No More Secrets-Landon

After a night of thinking, I remembered bits and pieces of what had happened while I was in the white building. I told what I remembered to Elle, who was overjoyed, and hugged me to the point of suffocation. It was time to find out what else the school was hiding and what this "great" thing to come was.

So naturally, we decided to break in and enter.

For me, the challenge was climbing the stone wall at either the back or front of the school grounds. It was easier then trying to get past the chain-link and barbed wire fences on the sides.

It was much more difficult for Elle, who had to convince a near by squirrel to help her get in. She was visible, but I had no idea how a little squirrel would help. Somehow, some way, she got into the school the same as I did.

We met up behind the high school, the white building in our sights. "Time?" I asked Elle.

She glanced down at her unicorn watch. "5 AM exactly. You ready?"

I nodded and we started towards the building. We walked quietly, trying not to make any loud noises. We were about five feet from the door when a spotlight hit us.

I quickly disappeared, leaving Elle behind. I looked at her. She stood frozen, too terrified to move. The spotlight was blinding.

"Landon, I know you're there. Now give me the key for your own good before I unleash Amy, Teagan, Travis, and myself on you. You have no right to be sneaking around on school property on a non-school day before school hours!" Sophia's voice informed us confidently.

Elle laughed loudly, obviously nervous. "We have no right to be sneaking around the school on a non-school day before school hours? You make it sound like we're doing something illegal!" She laughed again, which quickly stopped as Teagan stepped forward out of the darkness and grabbed her hands around her throat. "Not so funny now is it?" she asked Elle as the spotlight turned off, leaving black spots in my vision.

I rushed forward and tackled Teagan, who abruptly kneed me in the stomach. She pushed me off of her and stood over me. "Honestly Landon, I would have thought you would learn your lesson by now. Nobody messes with me."

"Except for Landon," a male voice mumbled.

"Joshua! Get out of here! Go back to bed," Sophia commanded.

A short boy stumbled over towards us and shoved Teagan out of the way. He glared at her, daring to make a move back. Surprisingly, she didn't. She stepped back a few feet actually where Sophia and two other figures were.

The boy offered his hand down to me to help me up, but I ignored the gesture. Jumping up quickly, I looked around for Elle. She was sitting on the grass looking up at me, dazed. She was breathing quickly, looking up at the boy in front of me with big eyes.

As I looked back down at him, he raised an eyebrow. "Don't bother threatening me. I survived Bully, I can survive you too." He laughed as if telling an inside joke. "Of course, he's a lot stronger than you, but I still have the advantage. 'Knowledge is power.' Now who was it that said that?" he asked as he started walking in a slow circle around me.

"Sir Francis Bacon apparently said it," I replied as he circled me.

"Correct. And do you have a knowledge of anything Landon?" He stopped in front of me and looked up. "Don't bother to answer that because the answer is no."

"Teagan!" Sophia hissed at the girl as she started walking towards us. "Do something about him!"

Teagan shook her head. "I wanna see what he's talking about. Sounds pretty interesting to me."

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