#6: Pancakes Galore & London Tourism

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ABN:   Here’s the long awaited chapter 6! This chappie is basically about Cassie & Harry being cute and letting loose a bit more and it reveals a bit about her life. Enjoy it, my beautiful readers!



= Cassie’s POV =

I woke up to the all too familiar beeping sound of the alarm.

 Groaning, I rolled over and slammed my hand onto the alarm only to remember that my alarm was set on my iPhone.

 Continuing my groaning, I opened one eye and slid my finger across the screen.

 Reluctantly, I pushed the blankets off of me and squirmed in my bed as I got up.

I quickly glanced back at my phone, which was peacefully laying on my bedside table, for any messages. I caught a glimpse of one message mixed with email notifications and mentions from twitter.

I picked up my phone, unlocked it and began reading out the text, which was from Harry, of course, out loud.

 “Do we have interviews or something today? x” Read his text.

I hesitated about answering. I don’t remember if they had anything.

It was Tuesday so they should have something to do. I quickly skimmed through the calendar I had specifically made for them.

I didn’t see anything though. I checked again to make sure.

After checking and rechecking a couple more times, I texted him back a “Nope. I checked and there’s nothing you guys have to do. You’re free for today.”

 Seconds later, he replied. “Oh okay then (:”

I didn’t think much of it and started picking out my outfit for the day.

Again, my phone dinged and I walked back to the bed to see who it was. I wasn’t surprised to see it was from Harry again. I unlocked my phone and read it over.

“Well, since we’re free today, you want to go out?” I raised my eyebrow and continued onto the next message he had sent after that.

“I meant as friends, of course.” It read.

 I don’t know if I felt relief that he wanted to go only as friends or if I should feel a pang of sadness that it was, in fact, just as friends and nothing more, nothing less.

I guess it ended up being a mix of both. Even though we had to be professional about this situation, I came to the conclusion that I didn’t really want to.

I sighed and realized I still had to answer the text.

One day out couldn’t hurt, right?

 After I had agreed, he told me how he had noticed that I didn’t have the typical “London accent” so he has assumed that I wasn’t from here.

He was right, I wasn’t from London. I wasn’t British at all. I had, however, developed a little bit of an accent in the past 11 and 1/2 months I had been in the UK.

I guess that had him fooled for a while.

 Concluding that I wasn’t from London, he said that he would take me out to some of the tourist attractions.

I know I’ve lived here for nearly a year but all of my time had been taken up by work so I had not had an opportunity to go sightseeing.

He was going to pick me up at 3 in the afternoon so that left me quite some time to get ready considering it was only 9:30.

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