Chapter 45 - Hospital

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We walked into the elevator, which was crowded. There were nine people squeezed into a tight space. Matteo and Liliana were clamping onto my hands, and Max was reassuring Alexa. Alexa seems to know Sav very well, for someone she's only met twice. Although to be honest, I know him well and I've only known him since today and I was very concerned. Sav's parents, Lilly and Giotto, were kind of hugging as Giotto whispered calming things in Lilly's ear. Fer and Vin were trying to be strong, it wasn't succeeding very well.

When we finally arrived on the sixth floor I led them to the ICU. I told Lilly and Giotto to go in without Matteo and Liliana, because I didn't know how bad he looked. I promised them I'd watch Matteo and Liliana whilst they were there.

"Not to break this weird silence, but you keep putting off what happened." Alexa told me.

"Yes, so, this is what happened." I said picking up Matteo and setting him on a seat, and then doing the same with Liliana. "You know how I get angry quickly?"

"Yes." She laughed, I glared before continuing.

"So we went to the lake with the four of us, and I was annoyed at them for looking so I sat back on my towel and started texting with Jason." I told her. "Basically he called us both sluts, so I ended the conversation and wanted to go swim with them." I pointed at Fer and Vin. "But then Vinnie said something that made me annoyed so I left, going down the mountain." I sighed. "To get to the point, Sav followed me, but tripped or something, and now we're here."

"Wait, hold on!" She screamed a little.


"Jason called me- Us sluts?" Her eyebrow went up like a rocket ship as the the other went into angry mode.

"Yes, but that wasn't the point. The point is I made one of our friends get injured." My voice hitched a bit.

"It wasn't your fault, it wasn't anyone's fault." She sighed pulling me into a hug.

I started crying, this has been hard on me. Like putting one of my friends in hospital isn't hard enough, my favourite cousin called me a slut, and I have problems with my boyfriend! I felt two little hands pulling me down, nearer to the ground. Both Matteo and Liliana pulled me into a hug, together with Alexa they squished me to death, figuratively.

After a few minutes we heard the ICU door and we stopped hugging and turned around. Sav's parents walked out, it was silent for a little while.

"So, we have news on his situation." Giotto began. "He has to stay in the hospital for a few more weeks, but can come out of the ICU tomorrow."

We all sighed in happiness.

"What's wrong with him?" Ferrell asked.

"So he has got fluid in his lungs, from the fall his lungs got punctured, but they'll be fine by tomorrow." He sighed. "The puncture isn't severe so it'll heal faster and doesn't need treatment."

"Oh that's good." Alexa butted in.

"He has a few broken ribs and a broken wrist, he was stupid enough to use on of his hands to stop the blow." He joked. "Further he scraped most of his face, which is why it looked so bloody Amelia."

"So you heard about the need to throw up then?" I asked my face sour.

"Yes, the doctors told us the conversation with 999." He chuckled. "I liked the part about 'Bloody bad'." He laughed.

"Well, my sister is the best at making a bad situation better." Alexa giggled.

"Stop it Lex." I sighed, I didn't feel like anything but saying sorry to Sav.

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