Chapter 35: Think Before You Speak.

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Chapter 35: Think Before You Speak.

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"Maybe you'll come running
when you're done being alone.
I swear I'll wait forever
if it means not letting go."
please, Chelsea Cutler, Jeremy Zucker

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IN AN IDEAL world, we would've kissed

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IN AN IDEAL world, we would've kissed.

In my room. With sunlight pouring out of my window.

Had it not been for my lovely mother standing on the other side of my door, I would've made the first move. I would've brought her even closer and kissed her like I had been meaning to ever since that night of the party. How I'd longed to just hold her the way I've wanted to for a while now.

It wasn't like I didn't have the chance to before; I had plenty of opportunities to kiss her. Yes, I did. Though, I admit my doubts got the better of me most times. I used to think she'd never reciprocate, that she hated me and would most likely push me away if I ever tried. I would've died before facing her rejection.

Her and I; thinking now, I didn't think there was a name for the kind of relationship we had. We weren't exactly friends, but we weren't limited to being just study partners.

But she'd been... different after coming back from Carlisle. Different in a sense that she seemed calmer, almost fearless and happier, making me assume that something happened over the past few weeks that I didn't know about. Whatever it was, I was glad of the change; because she was more open with me now than she'd been before she left, completely blocking me out of her life like I didn't mean anything to her. But her holidays made her someone different.

Was it Zach? Or something to do with her controlling mother?

I wasn't so sure of the answer.

But looking into her eyes, how she was staring at me, sitting on my bed, looking at me like she wanted me even after knowing I was a guy who was haunted by the death of his father and something far darker than she could imagine... Tanrim, I wished I would've kissed her.

What was worse was the door knob twisting.

And as understanding and caring as my mother was, I didn't want her to meet Gaia just yet. Not like this, anyways. The scene would've been a sight to behold. My mother, who had never once seen me interact with an actual girl my age, walking into my room with a girl on my bed, my hand on her cheek and our faces inches apart? No thanks.

I mean, I was sure she'd laugh about it later on, but her first thought would be to scold me for bringing her here without her knowledge. If I knew her well, she'd grab me by my ear and demand an explanation right away.

The thought dreaded me enough to reach for the blanket, push us both onto the bed so we were lying down and cover both of us completely, my back shielding her body from being seen from the door.

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