Chapter 1 - How much can one man think?

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"Matt! Hurry the fuck up!" I yelled sitting in the car with Mike and Ian. Matt just needs to dress up for every little damn thing. I thought I was the fancy one but look at him! This wasn't even so bad. Just driving to a bar, getting a few drinks and running back. What else is new? This was our weekend thing and I swore to the guys that this one would be way funner. Matt finally came in and sat in the front seat. "Sorry, just getting rea-" "We get it." the rest of us said together. As I drove, the rest of the guys were singing behind us. Some random thing we made up. It's not like we haven't done this before. The elevator song was one of them. I laughed and kept driving away.

As we reached the bar, Ian was the first to get out. Here we go again, Octagonal moments were about to occur very soon. As for every weekend, I will be the one driving everyone back. Since I'm the only guy who can control how many drinks or bears I had. An hour has passed, and Ian, Mike and Matt are still drinking while I'm sitting here thinking of what I would have done without them. Heck, I wouldn't be here without them having fun. We danced the night away as lanky douches, like every time we come to the bar.

It gets annoying. But what can I do? They are my friends. They always will be. heck, we're a band from Van city, we have to stick together. We made it so far. But I just don't know. Does it make any sense to you? I just get so fucking angry every time I'm the one who has to solve all the problems. They never realize that I'm not having fun. This is turning from a small problem into a fucking huge one. I'm letting it get to me. "Jersh, take us home pleeeaaser" Ian says to me snapping me out of my thoughts. He looks like the least drunk out of the 3. I laugh as I call Mike and Matt who are hollering out loud. "Come on drunkards! We need to go!" I scream to them as they lazily step out of the bar. I keep thinking about this shit. Why am I making such a huge deal out of it? Matt, Mike and Ian holler from the back seat, I notice, but say nothing. I'm thinking too much. "FUCKING HELL JOSH!" Matt screams as the wheel turns and

All I see is black. I made a huge mista-....

This Masterpiece is Lost (A Marianas Trench fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin