Who am i?

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Hi! My name is Victoria but you can call me Tori or Vicky or my middle name is Nicole so you can call that or whatever you want. I'm 13, extremely shy in real life but if you could see in my head your Jaw would be dropped to the floor!
I kind of of mask my real personality because I either Look crazy or my older brother scolds me or just full on yells at me so I am really shy when you first meet me but when you start to get to know me I will start to open up to you. In my head I am the queen of sass and always making witty comebacks or sarcastic jokes or sometimes it's downright dirty in here.

I love cooking (and people love when I cook) and reading obviously, but I also love archery an I'm pretty good at considering I've only been doing it for a year. I don't sing much but I love it and everyone always says I am really good at it.
I also just got into writing songs and I feel it's a great way to express myself. I love listening to Blake vail brides and fall out boys.
When it comes to smarts I'm not the person for math and history. My parents always say that my older brother is gifted at math, my younger brother is gifted at humor, and I'm gifted at arts and meaning, but if they knew the real me they would know that I'm da sass queen.
I want to thank thranduil79 for encouraging me to create this. Thank you! And totally check her stuff out I love it!
And thank you you for reading this! Till next time. I'm out!

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