Chapter III

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>>Niall´s Horan point of view <<

So this is awkward . I take a stranger to home . Fuck .I fell guilty . Why I am doing this?. Try to ask something .

¨Soooooooooo , what´s your name ?¨

>> Audrey P.O.V<<

This shit is awkward as fuck . I should jump of the car . 1....2...... ¨Soooooooooo , what´s your name ?¨

¨What?¨ I turn around almost scared . ¨mmm , ohhhh My name is .....¨ Should I tell what is my real name ? ¨Lauren ¨  I try to avoid looking at he .

¨Oh , is a pretty name ¨¨

¨And yours ?¨

>> Niall´s P.O.V<<

She don´t know who I am , is weird but really good , is like a new beginning or something alike .

¨James ¨

¨I know a few James , is a pretty common name ¨

 ¨I think so ...¨


By the time we get to my house I fell really tired and I am not in the mood for make someone comfortable .

¨Sooo Lauren you can sleep here  ¨ I opened the guest room . ¨If you need something you can go upstairs , the last door¨

¨ Wow this flat is fancy ¨ she look everywhere and I think she ignored me ¨This is really nice¨

¨thanks , so if you need something you can ask me ¨

¨Okey  , jmmmm , James .Right?¨  I nodded and go to sleep hoping she doesn´t steal anything while I sleep .

Short chapter 30 reads for the next chapter :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2013 ⏰

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