Act like royalty

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Alex's pov.

I was upstairs with the girls in my humongous room and then we heard mom scream from outside the door.

Mom: Girls!

Ava&Steph: Yes mother?

Alex: What?!

Mom came in wearing her gown and her crown. I don't know why the fuck my sisters and her are always wearing dresses with the fucking crowns. That is so uncomfortable and so not cool.

Mom: How many times do i have to tell you to be polite?

Alex: That doesn't go with me.

Mom: Why are you acting like this? Why can't you be like your sisters?

Alex: Because I'm not them ok mom! I don't want to be a princess. I want to be a normal girl.

Mom: Well too late for that don't you think Alex? Try to fit in at least Alex. You can't be normal because you are my daughter and you are a princess. If you haven't noticed, everyone in the palace thinks you're not normal. You need to try to be polite at least and become a real princess!

Alex: I don't want to be royalty mother! Why can't you understand that?! I can't pretend to be someone I'm not. It's fake. I'm not fake. I want to go out and have fun and wear sweatpants to the store and go out with friends to the park without people taking pictures of me! Why can't you understand that I don't want this life?!? I really don't care if other obnoxious people think I'm not normal. I honestly give less than 0 shits about what they say. I don't care. Get out!

I was in the verge of tears and the last part sounded cracky. She turned around and shook her head and walked out the door. I stood up and closed the door strong enough for her to hear it.

I went to my walk in closet and changed into shorts with an oversized gray sweater saying "dare to live." I laid down across my bed and Steph and Ava were just looking at me watching my every move.

Steph: Are you ok?

Alex: Why wouldn't I be?

Ava: Well mom just...

Alex: I'm fine.

Steph: Alright if you say so.

Ava: Do you girls want to go out shopping?

Steph: Yes. I would like to.

Alex: Nah thanks. I'll stay and call Emily, i need to talk to her.

Emily is my best friend and she is always there for me and she knows how I feel. I tell her everything and she always helps me. My sisters do too but it's not the same.

Steph: We'll stay with you sister.

Alex: If you want. You don't have to though. You can go shopping with Av if you want.

Steph: It's fine. We can go some other day right Ava? We rather accompany you right now.

Ava: Yea it's logical to stay with you because at this moment you aren't so great we can say.

Alex: Whateves. I'm still calling Emily.

Steph: Ok sister.

They talk so polite and with big words and it's annoying. too damn polite. They never say a bad word which pisses me off. How can a person not say a bad word?! What the fuck!

I get everything they're saying. I'm a straight A student and I got accepted to Harvard but I'm starting to go in 3 months. I need 1 more month to be in living hell called high school. The teachers, students, and everyone there are so polite and well mannered and I'm like the weird one there. The only one that understands me is Emily.

I called her and she came over right away. This is why i love her.

Steph, Ava and i were watching Netflix on the huge tv when someone knocked on the door. I stood up quickly and opened it knowing it was Emily. She hugged me right away and she came in. I closed the door and we walked to my bed.

Emily: So what's up hoe?

Alex: You bitch: Stop calling me a hoe Em. And nothing same old. Mother and royalty shit. gahhh.

Em: she's still with that?

Alex: Yea she's still bitching me about it. But anywhore, wanna watch tv while eating popcorn?

Em: Yes!

Alex: Aight. Ice cream and cake and cookies and chips and pizza coming right up.

Em, Steph, and Ava laughed and i smiled. I ran downstairs to the first floor and went to the kitchen and got a bunch of things with the kitchen staff looking at me.

Alex: Have a problem with it?

:No ma'am.

I went to the elevator and went to the third and last floor. I walked down the hallway to my room and went in. The girls came up to me and helped me settle down everything on the bed.

We sat down and we continued watching tv. Em fell asleep on my huge couch and Ava fell asleep on my swinging couch. Only Steph and i were eating chips and watching vines.

Steph: Alex, you're normal. Don't listen to mom.

Alex: I don't, i know I'm normal and I don't have to prove anyone anything.

Steph: You're right. Mother said we are having dinner tomorrow at 6 with company. 3 families are coming over and they have 3 teenage boys our age. She told me to inform you and she said to warn you because she does not want you to flirt with any one and go out to a party with them like you did last time.

Alex: It's because that shitty dinner was boring as fuck.

Steph: Just try to act royal tomorrow for mother. She wants you to do that pleasure for her.

Alex: Fine fuck man.

Steph: I love you sister.

Alex: Love you too bitchacha.

She hugged me and i hugged her back. We both fell asleep in my huge bed and I'm actually excited to see if the guys who are coming tomorrow are cute or not. I hope they are.

FairytaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora